Jealous (Shayne)

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You laughed at a joke that Damien had made as he read out everyones cards. You, Damien, Wes, Joven, Boza and Mari were playing Cards against Humanity for Smosh games and Shayne was standing behind the camera with the crew. The fans knew you and Shayne dated and took to you quite quickly causing you to be a common guest in the videos, but even though they knew you were taken, they couldn't help but to ship you with Damien as well. But to you Damien was just one of your best friends and you couldn't see yourself with anyone besides Shayne.

As the video continued you saw Shayne watching you with a flood of emotions on his face, making it hard for you to see how he really felt. You weren't sure, but you made a mental note to ask him after filming was done. As the cameras turned off you went to Shayne grabbing your things so you two could head home, but before you reached him he had gotten up and walked out of the room. You were shocked, he always hugged you or gave you a quick kiss any time the cameras were off and he had you to himself. You followed him out of the room calling his name but he kept walking.

You followed him into the Squad room, watching as he grabbed his things and handing you your phone that you left in his jacket, mumbling "let's go". You hurriedly walked behind him, him not slowing his quick pace for you like he normally did, you both getting into his car and sitting in silence on your way home.

"What's going on?" You calmly asked him as you reached your driveway.

"What's going on with you?" He asked back, his voice laced with anger.

"What are you talking about?" You answered, genuinely confused.

"Forget it, go inside, I'm going out."

You quietly got out of the car, not wanting to anger him anymore, and watched him pull back out of the driveway with no idea what had happened between the two of you. You sighed and shook your head as you walked into your shared apartment, changing into a tshirt and some sweatpants assuming Shayne just had something on his mind and went to Damien's to talk to him about it all.

You went to the kitchen to make some dinner but lost your appitite as you thought about how different things already were. Normally the two of you joked and laughed as you made dinner together, you sighed as you got a glass of water and an apple, walking into the living room and turning on the TV to calm your own mind.

A few hours had passed and you soon fell asleep on the couch until your phone went off waking you, seeing it was from Damien you decided to open it assuming it was about Shayne.

Damien: Shayne called me from the bar, he's drunk and told me he was jealous of me? I'm on my way home from picking him up now, will you come over and help?

Your mind was wondering as you grabbed your things and hobbled as you tried to slip on your tennis shoes and rushed out the door. You quickly and quietly droved to Damien's, being greated with a tired looking Damien, thinking he must have been asleep too.

"You better figure out what's going on, I need my sleep." Damien had sounded grumpy and you made a note to never wake him up.

You walked in to see a sobering up Shayne sitting on Damien's couch, sipping at a glass of water. You walked up to him quietly noticing his eyes were red and puffy, he had been crying. Damien walked back to his room to leave you two alone as you sat on the ground in front of Shayne.

"Hi." You softly spoke as you reached for his empty hand.

He looked up at you but he kept quiet.

"What's wrong?" His expression softened as his eyes met yours, seeing the concern and worry they held.

"I was jealous." He simply stated, as you saw guilt rush over him.

"Of Damien? Why would you be jealous?"

"You always seem so happy with him, you always smile and laugh with him, I was jealous, I was scared. I was scared that you liked him more." He explained as he looked at his hand in yours.

"Shayne, that's so dumb." He looked up shocked, thinking you were serious. "Damien's one of my best friends, but I'll never care for him the way I do you. You're the one who makes me happy, you're the I want, you're the one I love, it's you, it's always been you."

He placed the glass beside you on the table and pulled you up with the hand the held both of yours and pulled you into him, wraping his arms around you as you felt his tears hitting your shoulder. You wrapped your arm around him, playing with his hair with one hand. He pulled the two of you up, making sure he softly place you on the ground as he looked at you, a small smile forming on his lips.

"Let's go home." You told him as he nodded and you led him to your car.

For the third time today you sat in a quiet car but this time it was nice. As you two both made it home you watched as Shayne grabbed himself another glass of water and headed to your shared bedroom, you quickly cleaning up and turning off the lights as you followed. You smiled as you noticed that he was already asleep in bed as you quietly slipped under the covers. He rolled over and wrapped you in his arms as he whispered, "Don't leave me."

You smiled as you pulled his arms closer, "Never."

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