Secrets (Damien)

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Keeping a relationship with Damien while hiding it from everyone else was a mixture of exciting and frightening, keeping it a secret wasn't what you two had normally planned but it's where it all lead to. Originally you two had planned to only keep things a secret until you two were sure that you would last a long time, but then three months came along, and then six and now its been almost nine months and you didn't know how you'd be able to tell them that you two have been hiding something so important for so long, but not telling them and hiding everything was just as tough.

You two would constantly be on edge, scared one day someone would see your messages to each other or would catch you holding hands, or giving each other quick kisses. You constantly had to hide your plans with each other from the rest of the group, pretend that you were nothing more that friends when everyone was around and would make sure not to comment things that would raise suspicions on each other's social medias.

You two weren't embarrassed or each other, you didn't want to hide your relationship, especially for this long, but you didn't know how to tell any of your friends so obviously the fans couldn't know yet.

Durring on of the Smosh parties everyone was trying to figure out once again who Damien had been seeing since one night you slipped up and left some marks that were visible enough for him to be caught, Damien had perfectly avoided the question and no one ever suspected that it was you behind the marks. When he wouldn't budge the gang gave up opting to play 7 minutes in heaven. The group offered to let Damien to sit out due to them not wanting to upset his girlfriend but you didn't that same treatment, and you could tell by the look on Damien's face that he didn't want you to play anymore than you did, but you couldn't turn down the game in fears that everyone would catch on.

It was your turn and you took a deep breath, closing your eyes as everyone watched the bottle spin, until it stopped right on Shayne. You could hear your heartbeat in your ears as everyone got loud, you tended to keep to yourself outside of work and everyone was excited to see a different side of you. Shayne stood up and offered you his hand, yours shaking as you put your hand in his, looking over Damien as you watched his jaw clenched. You felt your stomach drop as you knew you couldn't let things go any farther, and you knew that if Shayne knew that he did anything with his best friend's girl he wouldn't be any happier about it that you or Damien would be.

"I can't do this, I'm sorry guys." You spoke just barley above a whisper.

You saw everyone's faces and they looked disapointed, but you and Shayne were still shoved into the room, hearing Damien protest as they shut and locked the door behind you.

"7 minutes!" You heard yelled at you from the other side of the door.

You walked over to the bed and sat down looking at your hands, sighing as you looked up at Shayne.

"I can't do anything." You whispered.

"I know." He whispered back as he sat next to you.

"You know?" You asked, shocked of his response, still whispering.

"You know you don't have to whisper." He said at a normal volume laughing.

"I'm sorry." You said, stil not looking up.

"Hey, you know you can look at me, I'm not that scary, and we are going to have to get to know each other if you're going to keep dating my best friend."

You looked at Shayne shocked, "H-how did you know? How long did you know?"

"I've suspected for a while, I assume since the begining, I saw how he looked at you and how you blushed and smiled when you two talked, I noticed your face go red when everyone talked about the marks that were left on his neck, now knowing they were from you. I even caught him messaging you one night when we were supposed to be playing games. I thought you two were a thing for a while, but it wasn't until I saw his face right before we were shoved into this room that it was confirmed."

"I'm sorry we kept it from you for so long."

"Hey, you two weren't ready and I wasn't going to force you to say anything until you told me yourselves."

"Thank you." You whispered again.

"You don't always have to be quiet, but you might want to think about telling the others everything."

You nodded as you looked up to the sound of the door opening, everyone peering inside as they saw you and Shayne sitting on opposite sides of the end of the bed, looking obviously like nothing hapened.

"You really meant it when you said you couldn't, huh?" Courtney spoke in the room and you just nodded.

"What did you do then?" Olivia asked

"We talked, what else?" Shayne answered as he gently lead you out of the room and sat you on the couch right next to Damien. You quietly thanked Shayne as he sat back with the rest of the group.

"Why didn't you do anything?" Keith asked outloud to the both of you, "Not that I want to force anyone to do anything, I'm just curious.

"Because I'm not the one she should be kissing." Shayne answered.

"Then who should she?" Keith asked back.

"That's not information to give-"

"Me, she should be kissing me." Damien interupted, pulling you closer to him.

"I'm sorry we hid it from everyone but we wanted to make sure we were serious before we told everyone and then so much time passed we were scared that everyone would be mad that we waited so long." You quietly added.

"I don't think I've heard you speak so much Y/n." Mari joked.

"Wait!" Ian had yelled as he realized something and everyone just looked at him confused.

"That means Y/n was the one who left the hickies on Damien!"

You couldn't help that your face went bright red before you hid in Damien's check, every one aweing at your reaction as Damien just held you closer, his hand stoking your hair.

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