New Years Eve (Damien)

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You were sitting at your desk finishing up editing this weeks video for the Smosh Games channel as you prepared it to be uploaded. Three months ago you were hired on the editing staff for Smosh and you couldn't love your job more. Everyone was so nice and caring for each other and the perks of the office were quite nice too.

As you waited for the video to upload you walked down to the lounge to grab a snack and fill your coffee cup as you ran into Ian...your boss. Even though the man was quite nice and cheerful, as him being your boss and you being new being around him made you a bit nervous.

"I'm sorry, sir." You said looking down at your feet.

"Y/n how many times do I have to tell you it's Ian, 'Sir' is my father." You laughed at the corny joke and nodded. Ian asking about your day and the video to keep the tension from coming back into the room.

Before Ian left, another man, this one with a blue streak in his hair came in, Ian introducing him to you as "Damien". Damien was quite nice and goofy, you two easily filling the next hour with conversation before you remembered that the video you were working on had to be finished uploading a long time ago. You nicely excused yourself to leave but not before Damien awkwardly handed you a piece of paper as you walked out the door.

Opening it as you walked back to your desk you read "let's talk again soon? :)" you laughed as you realized the man wanted to talk more but he didn't give you his number along with his note. You mentally made a note to ask him when you next saw him as you sat back at your desk until he came up to you with another note telling you "you forgot this" and as you opened it there it was, his number.


That day was over a month ago, and you two never seemed to stop talking and messaging one another. It was the first thing you did when you woke up and it was the last thing you did before you fell asleep, talking to Damien was almost an addiction to you.

He had came over to watch movies, you went over to meet his cats, he would surprise you with food once you got home from work, and you would go over and surprise him with game nights. You two were inseparable, at least you were when no one was around. After a month you two still hadn't told anyone and no one had yet to find out.


Tonight was the night of the New Years Eve party and even though gatherings weren't your thing, you let Ian convince you to come and join. Not many people were there outside of the people that you saw in front of the screen, those of you that worked behind the camera, tended to like to stay out of the spotlight and that included the gatherings that Ian liked you throw for everyone.

You and the smosh gang were curled up on the roof of the Smosh building looking up at the stars waiting for the fireworks that Ian and Lasercorn promised everyone that was about to come. Everyone was scattered on the roof, all in their own spots, all curled up under blankets blocking out the cool air of the night. You and Damien have been getting quite close over this last month and all you wanted was for you and him to be open about the two of you but you had yet actually find out what you meant to him. You really liked Damien, and to be with him in the open was the one thing you wanted the most but you didn't know if the same thing was going on through his head, you didn't know if he wanted you the same way you wanted him. You two had kept your conversations, the flirting, the looks as you passed each other by under everyone's radar, you kept your nights spent together and your dates to yourselves, hidden from everyone and no one quite knew about what was going on between the two of you.

You had gotten up to get a drink from the cooler as Damien followed you just before everyone on the roof began to count down from ten as the clock was nearing midnight.


Damien's fingers traced at your side as he gently pulled you closer.


You two were now looking at each other, a big grin on Damien's face.


You two got even closer, your lips touching as everyone else yelled out "1?" But to your surprise as you two kissed there weren't any fireworks, and instead of cheers when everyone hit the count of 1, they instead sounded confused. But as you two pulled apart you noticed that the lack of fireworks that you expected weren't between the two of you but was instead lacking in the air and everyone wasn't looking up but over at the two of you instead.

Confused eyes found your faces as no one knew and expected what was going on between the smosh gamers, you two had hidden yourselves from everyone in fear of being teased and things being awkward if they didn't work out. Damien let out an awkward chuckle as you hid your face in his chest as he tried to explain what was going on, you blocking everyone out waiting for the laughs to begin before everyone telling you that you two needed to stop what was going on between the two of you.

"...and now she's mine." Was all that you heard as you finally began to tune back into what was actually going on.

"What?" You quietly asked as you looked up at Damien.

"Y/n, this last month with you has been great, but what would make it better would've been everyone knowing what was going on, us not worrying about if we were going to get caught, wondering about what would happen if everyone found out. Y/n I want everyone to know that you're mine and I'm yours. What I'm trying to say is, y/n will you be my girl?"

Everyone was staring at the two of you waiting for your response. No one knew until this moment what had been going on between the two of you but now everyone was invested in the new love story of Y/n and Damien.

"Well say something already!" Olivia shouted from across the roof.

"Of course." You giggled as Damien pulled you closer into his arms, you smiling as you realized your year couldn't have started off any better.


A/N: Sorry I haven't posted in a long time and this part was short and not too great but I wanted to finally add something more to this book

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