Chapter 7 Lukewarm Water

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Ye Ci took a look at the black wolf that was a actually Lycan. In her past life, she would never have even thought of stopping to help. At that time, she had deemed matters that were not related to her unworthy of her attention.

However, the current Ye Ci was no longer her past self. She drew out her bow despite the horde of spiders that were closing in on the Lycan's heels. She drew an arrow from her quiver and nocked it onto the bow. She let the arrow loose, after which it flew straight and true.

Ye Ci had never played as a Huntress before. But after having spent ten years playing as a Sorceress, she developed the accuracy necessary for launching a ranged attack. The first arrow flew right into a spider's eye. The spider hissed in agony and turned its attention to Ye Ci.

Ye Ci, of course, did not stand still.

She unleashed a flurry of arrows at the spider while running away from it. An Elven Huntress had very high balance. In a high speed chase, their advantage was obvious when it came to balance.

Ye Ci kited the spider while leaping up from time to time. She defied gravity, landing on tree after tree. The spider could not even get close to her.

She slew a spider and drew the attention of another.

Her damage had not been very high, but the copper arrow managed to raise it exponentially.

The lvl 4-5 spiders were ferocious. Since Ye Ci was kiting and leaping around, however, none of them managed to get close. A vast majority of them could not even close the distance before they were slain and subsequently converted into experience points.

Ye Ci's aid greatly reduced the Lycan's pressure. He morphed into human form and swung his blade at the nearest spider.

The Lycan glanced at Ye Ci from time to time. He could not help but marvel at the Elven Huntress' graceful and precise movements, as well as her ruthless attacks.

Even if they'd never crossed swords, the Lycan could tell from the excellent positioning and the extremely fast reaction speed of the Elven Huntress that she was an expert when it came to PvP.

But the Lycan was more amazed by how adept the Elven Huntress was at controlling her character. The server was opened for only a few hours, but she had already reached lvl 5 (only lvl 5 characters could obtain beginner class-related weapons). Besides that, the way she moved about was not something that a newbie could pull off.

She looked more like an expert that was smurfing.

Was Fate openly tested before? Other than the beta test that was so shrouded in mystery that its very existence was debatable, there was no other occasion.

The Lycan's curiosity towards Ye Ci increased.

They took care of the horde of spiders in no time. Before Ye Ci could speak, the Lycan was already smiling at her. "Thank you so much, Huntress."

Ye Ci felt slightly reserved. She was never good when it came to interacting with people. She nodded and said after a slight pause, "You're welcome." With that she turned around with the intention to leave.

The Lycan did not feel awkward despite Ye Ci's reserved attitude, he laughed and said, "I'm Lukewarm Water. That was close. I could've died."

Judging from what he said, Ye Ci could tell that he had died more than once.

"It's ok even if you die. There's no death penalty before you reach lv10." Said Ye Ci with a smile.

"I know, but if I die, I need to get back here from the village. Just so you know, it's not simple." Lukewarm Water explained. He shook his head and let out a sigh.

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