Chapter 163 Someone Else's Gossip

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"Of course not." Zero Arsenic chuckled. Yet the disbelief in his eyes was clear. He didn't believe that Unbridled Willow knew Gongzi You by chance. "Say, since when is the great Gongzi You so free that she began meddling in somebody else's business?"

"Are we very close with each other? Why are you talking as if you know me very well?" Ye Ci sneered coldly, then shifted her gaze to Unbridled Willow.

Zero Arsenic pursed his lips, ignoring Ye Ci's sarcastic comments.

Unbridled Willow remained smiling. He was not as skeptical as Zero Arsenic, despite being surprised to run into Ye Ci. "I've been looking for you. Thank you for helping me with the Swordback Hold." He patted the shield on his back.

After hearing the words from Unbridled Willow, Zero Arsenic broke into a guffaw. It was something not known to Unbridled Willow, but anybody who knew Gongzi You would know that her luck was so bad that it could drive someone to commit suicide.

Unbridled Willow was slightly embarrassed. He casted a confused glance at Zero Arsenic before continuing, "Gongzi, thank you so much."

Ye Ci narrowed her eyes and spoke out her next words calmly, as if she was just reminiscing about old times with Unbridled Willow. But only Ye Ci knew that her words were actually directed at the sly old fox Zero Arsenic, "When did you join Steel Blooded Battle Spear? You weren't one of them when I first saw you."

"About that..." Unbridled Willow was guarded when faced with this question.

The answer was not important to Ye Ci. She raised her eyebrows, "You're good, and your game sense isn't bad either. Have you ever thought of joining a different guild? Come over to Upwards Ho!. Although we're not as rich as Steel Blooded Battle Spear, we're quite capable when it comes to obtaining First Bloods. Interested in joining us? I can pull some strings and place you into the first squadron."

"Uhh... About that..." Unbridled Willow was lost for words. He originally suspected Ye Ci of approaching him because of his relationship with Thousand Sunsets, and that she was trying to gain some benefits from doing him some favors. But after hearing Ye Ci's words, he was unable to respond.

There were times when one would be faced with dilemmas, and Unbridled Willow was in such a situation. He felt that it would be troublesome no matter what his answer was. It was impossible for him to accept Ye Ci's invitation. But as a player, who would decline such an offer from Gongzi You? How could he decline Ye Ci's offer?

Just as Unbridled Willow was faced with such difficulty, Zero Arsenic laughed, "Hey hey hey. Gongzi, you're way over your head. You're poaching my guild member right in front of me. Give me some respect. This is our latest top Warrior player, you can't do that!"

"Doing things under the table is not my nature. Since I'm going to poach, I'll do it right in the open." Ye Ci looked at Unbridled Willow and then at Zero Arsenic with a smile on her face.

Since Zero Arsenic had spoken up, Unbridled Willow was no longer in a difficult spot. He smiled sheepishly at Ye Ci, "I've already promised Zero Arsenic. But I still need to thank you for helping me with the shield..."

Ye Ci did not want to waste time on superfluous words. Speaking would only increase the chances of her making mistakes. It was better for her to leave the scene as soon as possible, "If you care about it so much, then you should not forget about it. I'll be on my way." She then departed on Ol' Four.

"She's always like that. But please do not mind her." Zero Arsenic patted Unbridled Willow on his shoulder. Despite being suspicious that Gongzi You had inside information regarding their guild, Zero Arsenic has no solid proof, and he opted to overlook the situation.

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