Chapter 130 Deathmatch

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Mages have strong attack power, yet they are glass cannons.

However, when bombarded by a group of mages, even the toughest of characters will soon realize that life would be difficult.

There were Ice-type Mages that reduces speed, Fire-type mages that deals sustained DoT, and Arcane-type Mages with absurd DPS. When these three types of mages are grouped together, regardless of one's class, you will feel that you are extremely weak. Needless to say, for a long-time guild such as Tang Dynasty, the one resource that they did not lack was manpower. After clashing with Upwards Ho! for a period of time, they realized that although Upwards Ho! were small in numbers, their speed was exceptionally quick, allowing them to easily evade Tang Dynasty's armies, which caused Tang Dynasty to be extremely passive.

The instant NightAndDay got online and caught wind of the scuffle, he immediately sent out a command to the entire Mage squadron to raid Upwards Ho!.

Although personally speaking, NightAndDay was extremely unwilling to butt heads with Upwards Ho! and Gongzi You. But after the battle with Wolf Pack, he deduced that Upwards Ho! and Wolf Pack had an alliance. He could not help but be infuriated just by recalling the humiliation dealt to his guild by Gongzi You. Regardless of whatever triggered today's battle with Upwards Ho!, NightAndDay was determined to win.

And thus, NightAndDay dealt a massive blow towards Upwards Ho! with just a sweep of his hand.

Being blasted by such firepower, the members of Upwards Ho! were immediately decimated. There were many who respawned in order to retaliate but were swiftly put down once more. This situation persisted for a while. In the end, to prevent more losses, Bai Mo went offline to look for Ye Ci after having a few words with the guild's officers.

Bai Mo was unwilling to seek Ye Ci's help for anything and everything. Ye Ci had her own matters to handle as well and he could not expect Ye Ci to be handling guild matters all the time. However, in this situation, he was forced to look for Ye Ci's aid.

Before Bai Mo made his decision to look for Ye Ci, World Conqueror and Zero Space had already contacted him, offering to send reinforcements. Bai Mo, however, was wary. They were all large guilds, and Bai Mo knew that their offers of assistance was due to Ye Ci. If he were to accept, he knew that he would be unable to repay their favor. Unless Upwards Ho! was strong enough to hold its own against these large guilds, Bai Mo was not willing to accept their help.

Bai Mo was someone who thoroughly studied interpersonal psychology, and he had always been a cautious person. Faced with such a situation, he had weighed the pros and cons and had decided that he would not wish to be a pawn in an internal struggle between the major guilds unless the situation is dire.

And so, he needed to discuss it over with Ye Ci first.

Unfortunately, ever since Ye Ci told him that she'll be leaving for a few days, he was unable to contact her through the game at all. If it wasn't for the fact that he was able to determine that she was in the gaming cabin, he would have suspected that that damned girl ran off somewhere to fool around.

Since Bai Mo was unable to contact Ye Ci in the game, he had no choice but to log off in the midst of battle to look for her. Of course he knew that what he did was taboo, since who knows what those members lying on the ground were feeling when they received notice of his departure. Thus, he could only instruct the guild officers to stabilize the guild's morale after reassuring them that he will be back online within ten minutes.

Once he was offline, Bai Mo immediately ran towards Ye Ci's room. Looking at the gaming cabin on the floor, its signal lights indicated that she was currently within the game. Heaving a sigh of relief, he began to knock on the surface of the gaming cabin. The gaming cabin was a piece of advanced technology, where an alert would be immediately sent to the player within the gaming cabin upon detecting an impact. That's why it did not take long before Ye Ci opened the gaming cabin.

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