Chapter 183 Somebody's Looking to Die

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The highest level on the Level Ranking Board was level 35. However, the fact that a lot of players were reluctant in revealing their names on the ranking board had to be taken into account as well, Ye Ci was one such player. There might not be many like her, but they were bound to have higher levels than those on the Level Ranking Board.

Despite that, Ye Ci believed that there would be not more than 3 players who were above level 40 in the Swamp of Sorrows, she might even be the only one. This was why she had the courage to roam around alone in the Swamp of Sorrows.

Even though levels were not an obvious thing, an eye-catching mount was visible to all. If one was in possession of such an eye-catching mount, the person was either rich, very skillful or very lucky. Creatures like Ol' Four that could be used as a mount and also could be sent into combat were few and far between. Ye Ci might not be the only player of the Hunter class to have such a pet, but she was certain that she was the only one to have it in the entire Eastern Continent.

Due to the effects of the Brooch of Deceit, Ye Ci's appearance was that of a normal player. Ol' Four was fearsome, but a lot of players drooled at the sight of him.

Not all the mounts in Fate were bound to players, quite a number of them would drop upon the death of a player. In the later stages of the game, players with rare mounts had to be very careful as they traversed through different maps, or they risked losing their mounts.

Ye Ci could see groups of Western Continent players the moment she stepped into the Swamp of Sorrows. They huddled together in groups, minding their own business and not bothering the players from other continents. It appeared to be quite peaceful. Although she was enthusiastic in farming Kill Glory, Ye Ci held back from going on a killing spree. The players were simply too scattered, and she had a quest to complete.

However, there's a saying that when someone's down on their luck, they'll choke even on a sip of water. As Ye Ci rode down towards Dark Clay City, she was suddenly hit by an attack.

"You have been attacked by Northern Continent player *****." the system notification rang out. As her opponents were from the Northern Continent and had hidden their names, the names of Ye Ci's assailants were not visible to her. This, however, was not a matter of concern for Ye Ci. What mattered most to her was: Who the hell had the guts to provoke her wrath? Did they want to die?

They were indeed courting death.

Ye Ci did not immediately stop Ol' Four. She galloped onwards, only sparing a glance behind. A group of red tinted players stood at the side of the road. One of them, a Hunter, remained in his firing stance, while Sorceress was already channeling a spell and a Warrior began charging at Ye Ci.

If Ye Ci was not mistaken, the Sorceress was casting Polymorph. The fact that the attack from the Hunter resulted in a MISS meant that the players were at least 7 levels below her. The Polymorph spell, however, was no child's play. If it connected, Ye Ci would be knocked down from her mount and she would not be able to fight back. It would be very embarrassing for her to get killed by the group of players just like that.

By then, the Warrior had managed to approach Ye Ci with his Charge ability. Ye Ci received yet another system notification, "You have been attacked by Northern Continent player *****." Her combat log indicated that the Warrior's charge was unable to stun Ye Ci as it was a MISS.

The players were astonished when their attacks missed. The Warrior was especially confused. Paying no heed to the players' reaction, Ye Ci turned Ol' Four around and charged at the Sorceress at full speed.

The Sorceress began to move and hastened her spell casting when she saw the Huntress charging at her. Ye Ci raised her crossbow and cast Rapid Fire at the Sorceress. Right at the same moment, the Sorceress's cast her spell, and Ye Ci was covered in golden light. She could feel herself growing smaller, and she lost control of her body.

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