Chapter 146 Epic Quest

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Under the numerous requests from the life players, the wastrel Carnivore moved from the northeastern life sector to the southwestern sector of the guild encampment, distancing himself from the life sector as much as possible. In response to this arrangement, the life players applauded in approval, whereas Carnivore did not feel pressured in the slightest.

Ye Ci thought that the issue has been settled once and for all. Little did she know that a few days later, a majority of the life players would seek her out once more to get Carnivore to relocate. This time however, it wasn't to get Carnivore to stay as far away from them as possible. Rather, it was to invite him to move back to the life sector once again.

However, Carnivore threw a tantrum this time and refused to budge. Looking into the sky with the corner of his lips pointed at a 45 degree angle and snorted in a high pitched voice, "You guys told me to scram and I did. Now you guys want me to go back? Sorry, I refuse."

So everyone immediately sought out Ye Ci to resolve this issue once and for all.

At the moment, Ye Ci was in a corner outside the guild's conference room crafting her arrows. Looking up to find a whole mob of life players rushing towards her, all of whom had sorrowful and enraged expressions as though they were deeply hurt, causing Ye Ci to feel extremely puzzled.

What was this now? Were they going to start a riot? Were they going to go on strike? Or were they going to announce their independence from the guild?

"Leader." As Ye Ci was carefully scrutinizing the numerous life players who had surrounded her, wondering what should she say, she heard Pea Cake's sonorous voice sounding out from the first row. This guy is as rude as always, what's wrong this time? Ye Ci felt even more uneasy now.

The corners of her mouth twitched as she looked at the numerous life players. She nonchalantly asked, "What's the matter with you all? Are you all going for a mass shopping spree in the city?"

"Guild leader, now's not the time for jokes." Pea Cake widened his eyes. The expression on his face was as though it was a matter of the country's imminent destruction. He cried aloud, "It's already a matter of the guild's survival!"

Survival? Ye Ci was slightly shocked: Did something happen? She never did care much about handling guild matters, could Bai Mo have hidden something from her, taking it upon himself so as to not let her worry? Feelings of unease surging at the thought, Ye Ci sprung up and asked Pea Cake sternly, "Did you say that it's a matter of the guild's survival?"

"That's right..." Before Pea Cake could finish, Ye Ci immediately turned away to contact the management heads. Failing to get a response after repeatedly calling out her name, Pea Cake could only wait for her to finish.

"Little Hands, is there anything strange going on in the auction? Did the items that I asked you to sell experience a change in the prices? Did the prices spike, dip or crash?" The first people Ye Ci contacted were the lovebirds Little Icy Cold Hands and Icy Cold Little Hands. The two had talent in buying low and selling high and they were in charge of matters such as purchasing necessities and selling loot.

"Ah? There shouldn't be. I just came out from the auction house just now. I bought a load of stuff from there, but they were all within the expected price range. Did you happen to obtain some insider information from somewhere?" Hearing Ye Ci's queries, Little Icy Cold Hands became anxious, "I'll go back again just to be sure."

A few minutes later, a message from Little Icy Cold Hands debunked the speculation regarding the auction house.

After that, she contacted the diplomats, Battle Commander, Dungeon Commander and several other officers of the guild. The responses were the same: Nothing out of the ordinary. After receiving confirmation that nothing was amiss, Ye Ci let out a long sigh and eased up. The guild matters were mostly handled by Bai Mo, while she took the role of a manager who solely delegated tasks, so she couldn't be blamed for being in a panic. At present, Bai Mo was not online for her to get to the bottom of the matter, so she had no choice but to look for the various players in charge for confirmation.

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