Chapter 68 The Dungeon (Part 2)

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"Whenever the BOSS loses 10% of its hitpoints, it will lay an egg. When that happens, the Rogues must go and steal its eggs and then throw them off the cliff behind the nest. Remember, don't let her see you, or she'll become enraged."

Despite sounding simple, it was Nightmare difficulty. Even when one know of the strategy, it was still hard to pull it off.

The first time the party got annihilated, it was fault of the main healer. He was so focused on healing the tank that he was 2 seconds too slow to reposition. Misfortune struck, and he was blown away to a far far away place.

The second party annihilation came when the party's tank died. The entire party with the exception of 3 Hunters and a Rogue were blown away.

As for the third time, the Rogues were discovered when they tried to steal the eggs. If Ye Ci had not realised it early and activated Feigned Death, she would've died along with the rest of the party.

The fourth time...

The fifth time..


The tenth time...

Once again, the party was annihilated. Ye Ci asked around for the lowest death count, and then remained silent.

The players from World Conqueror still had high morale. Even if it was Nightmare difficulty, even if they were still on the pioneering stages of this dungeon, they did not keep quiet. The party members interacted with each other actively, discussing and sharing information.

Flawless Reflection glanced at Ye Ci, "Do we start again?"

Ye Ci stared silently at the party members. A commander is merely someone who lowers the mistakes made by his or her party members. But to totally avoid mistakes, it was up to the members themselves. An obedient party member was the best party member, but a blindly obedient party member was the worst.

Those who were not willing to think were the reason why a party was repeatedly annihilated.

They had died for the 12th time in the hands of the third BOSS.

Ye Ci stood up and said, "This is the last time. I hope that we can clear this dungeon in one go."
Although they'd only known Ye Ci for a few hours, the members of the party seemed to have already figured out her speech patterns and their hidden meanings. They knew that when Ye Ci said "in one go", it meant that it was not a simple statement, it was a must.

With that, the party members were pressured.

But at times, the pressure was just what people needed as a driving force. When pressured, people tend to have extraordinary performance.

The battle began.

Dragonwitch raised his shield and braced himself, standing right in front of the BOSS. Shield Bash, Taunt, Stunning Blow were released on the BOSS, building up its aggro.

"Shift 30 degrees to your 4 o'clock direction." Shouted Ye Ci after observing the BOSS's spell channeling.

Dragonwitch was already moving, and the BOSS moved with him. The ranged players repositioned themselves as well. At the next moment, the spot that they move away from was covered with ice.

The BOSS suddenly flew up, ignoring the players as it flew towards its nest. A Rogue immediately entered Stealth and crept towards the nest.

The BOSS flew back towards the crowd after laying its egg. Dragonwitch immediately pulled the BOSS's aggro back from the Clerics with a Shield Bash. The Rogue immediately climbed into the nest and grabbed the egg. He then ran as fast as he could towards the cliff.

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