Chapter 190 Dragonia

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In a battle, the ability of a commander to grasp the situation was more important than the teamwork between players. This was especially true in an unexpected battle, where players barely knew each other and could barely work with each other. In situations like this, the capability of a commander was very important.

The commander's grasp of the overall situation, his or her ability to form players into effective combat units and the commander's ability to always stay ahead of his of her opposite number would always decide the outcome of a battle.

Of course, the outcome of a battle would also be swayed by any sudden events that could turn the tide of a battle in the blink of an eye. However, things like these were very rare and could hardly be accounted for.

For the Northern Continent players to be able to reorganize in such a short time, they must've been led by a very skillful commander that was more experienced than Purity Essence. The person was definitely a veteran.

Apparently, despite Purity Essence's potential as a battle commander, he was still lacking in terms of experience.

That was not the only discovery made by Ye Ci. During her tour around the enemy formation, she was astonished to discover that there were 2 Clerics among the Northern Continent players that were in possession of the Resurrection skill. That was why the front line of the Northern Continent did not collapse. The 2 Clerics have been busy at work, enabling the Northern Continent players to marshall their strength once more in such a short notice.

Resurrection is a very rare drop. Ye Ci did not know how many Resurrection skill books have dropped since the opening of the Fate server, but she knew that there would be not more than 3 Resurrection skill books dropped in the entire Eastern Continent, with one of them belonging to Fruit Jelly, another one belonging to Sir Ditty's personal assistant while the last one was obtained by Four Seas of Blank Space. She did not expect 2 of the Northern Continent players to be in possession of such an ability. Just how many Resurrections are there in the Northern Continent?

This gave Ye Ci a headache.

It was such a headache to go up against an opposing continent with multiple players in possession of Resurrection. They would be able to sustain their lines better than their opponents. This was a fatal blow for continents with lesser Resurrection skill book drops.

This matter, however, was not an immediate cause for Ye Ci's worry. After all, the Eastern Continent have only recently beaten back an invasion by the Western Continent. The Northern Continent would not be able to invade the Eastern in such a short time.

Of course, how could Ye Ci allow the 2 Clerics with Resurrection to stay alive? She reaped their lives with well aimed arrows, sending them back to the spawn points. With the 2 Clerics gone, the Northern Continent will be hard-pressed to maintain their momentum. This gave the Eastern Continent room to breathe.

Combatants from both sides were locked in bitter combat.

Just then, Ye Ci noticed that the already gloomy surroundings in the Swamp of Sorrows had grew darker. The low rumbling of thunder could be heard from the distant accompanying flashes of lightning.

The change of weather is a very common occurrence in Fate. The gusting winds, heavy rain, as well as lightning and thunder were a very common sight. Even disasters like earthquakes, typhoons and floods would happen once in a while. That was why no players in the Swamp of Sorrow paid attention to the sudden change of weather. Most of them assumed that it was just the coming of a storm, and paid it no heed.

Ye Ci was the only exception.

If Ye Ci was also a player new to Fate, she would've reached the same conclusion as the rest of the players in the Swamp of Sorrows. She was, however, not new to Fate. When the sky turned dark, Ye Ci thought that it was about to rain. But when the rumbling thunder followed, she knew that she was wrong. It was not the signs of rain.

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