Chapter 116 The Troublesome BOSS

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However, although Mi Lu exercised great control over the party, his command method does has its fatal flaws; It demanded too much on the reflexes of other players. You cannot expect everyone to immediately react with a mere thought just like your own limbs. Therefore, even though this method is acceptable if the party members have good teamwork and were used to the situation, it revealed fatal weaknesses when deployed in a pioneering attempt at clearing dungeons.

Even though they smoothly made it past the first stage without any casualties, it was evident that a majority of them had been mentally stretched to their limits. Fortunately, Mi Lu had realized his shortcomings and quickly controlled the pace of the battle, enabling the players to gradually adapt to the situation. Unfortunately, just when all seemed to be under control, the BOSS unleashed a ultimate skill that wiped out the entire party upon reaching the third stage of the fight. Not even Gongzi You was able to escape such a horrible fate, joining the fallen party in death.

This was Ye Ci's first death ever since she reincarnated. Ye Ci let out a sigh as she laid on the ground. She had thought that she would be able to avoid dying all the way until she had reached lvl 60. Never did she expect herself to die in a dungeon when she was still in her early lvl 30s.

Respawning, Ye Ci sat on the ground. Both Overflowing Ink and Mi Lu also sat nearby, eating without speaking a word. As Ye Ci pointed out their errors one by one, the duo could only nod repeatedly in agreement.

"Leader, how about you take over for this attempt? We'll observe and learn from you." Mi Lu replied after taking a gulp of water.

Ye Ci nodded her head in agreement. If it wasn't for the fact that they are competing with Tang Dynasty for the First Blood, she would have allowed these two to try again. Alas, this was not the time to allow them to continue trying. So she stood up and addressed the party. "I'll be explaining the new strategy to everyone. I understand that it is not easy to adapt to so many new battle tactics in such a amount of short time, so I will take everybody's difficulties into account. My command method will not differ too much from the previous ones As long as you people stay focused and not get distracted, we'll be fine."

She received the indication from the party that they would be able to abide by her command.

"I'll do an inventory check now. How many cold-resistance potions does everyone have left? If you have less than five, go grab more from Timely Rain."

"I only have 1 bottle remaining."

"I still have 4."

"I have 4 remaining as well."

...After reporting the amount of cold-resistance potions left in their inventory, they flocked towards Timely Rain to replenish their potions. When the team was just about done refilling their inventories with potions, Ye Ci continued to speak. "Each of you has only 5 cold-resistance potions with you. As long as you listen to my commands, they will be sufficient. That is why I hope that you will only consume them when instructed. When it is time, I will notify all of you. During the first stage of the fight, I want players of all classes to attack the BOSS from the farthest distance possible. At this stage, the BOSS will use his Frost Embellishment. Just as everyone saw earlier, once the Frost Embellishment appears, the tank will definitely receive constant damage. The radius of this frost circle is 22 yards, but the maximum healing range of a healer is 20 yards. This means that the main healer will have to heal the tank from within the circle, while another healer remains outside the circle to heal the main healer.

With that, Ye Ci started to assign roles. "Fruit Jelly, you are to stand inside the circle and heal Remote Depths. Icy Cold Tiny Hands will be in charge of healing you." The two acknowledged Ye Ci's arrangement and she continued. "I want the rest of the healers to be flexible by healing the players around you when needed and dealing damage when no one requires healing. For the melee players, all of you can take it easy during the first stage of the fight, but you must not get distracted. The first stage will last for about 5 minutes and the fight will proceed to the second stage right after these 5 minutes. In the second stage, the BOSS will create doppelgangers of itself, which will appear randomly at any of the four corners. When this happens, only the main healer, sub-healer and the tank should remain in their positions, while the rest of the party run towards the doppelganger appeared."

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