Moriah Hill
It's been two and a half weeks since Raquan's party. That experience scarred me for life, I haven't been the same since. I don't eat much, I haven't slept, and I always feel sad & depressed. I feel paranoid whenever people come around me. To see Jacob walking around school like nothing happened, pisses me off. He's the reason I'm like this.
I decided to get ready for school. I dragged myself out of my bed, and went to the bathroom for my morning routine. After I finished, I went back to my room to find an outfit. I settled on a white cotton jersey t-shirt, Nike Training pants, and black Nike Roshe Runs. I added on a gold and silver necklace from Pac Sun.
I went back into the bathroom. I pulled my hair into a ponytail, that wasn't very neat, but who am I really trying to impress? Nobody. I applied some concealer to the small bruises on my face. When Jacob had smacked me, he blacked my eye, and made a small bruise under my cheekbone. I also had dark circles under my eyes from my lack of sleep. I usually wasn't a person who wore make up but, the bruises made my soft caramel complexion look worn out and tired. I might feel worn out and tired, but I can't look like it.
I grabbed my back pack and went downstairs to see my mom waiting for me. My mom's job gave her the late shift at the hospital she works at, so now she takes me to school instead of Aja. We got into her white 2014 Kia Optima.
"Moriah, is there something wrong?" she asked.
I sighed. "No mommy."
This is the third time this week she'd asked me what's wrong. My answer was always no. I didn't want to stress her out more than she probably already was. The hospital got her working these crazy ass hours. Also the fights between her and my step-dad are getting worse and worse.
"If there's anything-" I cut her off.
"You want to talk about, I'm here." I said repeating the sentence she says every time she feels something is going on with me that she doesn't know about.
"I'm okay mom," I reassured her as we pulled up to my school.
"Okay, I love you."
I got out the car and walked inside school. I walked to my locker and got my stuff for the next period. I stared at my large group of friends. Me and Trevor locked eyes for a moment, and quickly looked away. We haven't talked since the party.
"I don't even know what I saw in him." I sobbed as Trevor rubbed my back. "Shhh," he reconciled me. He took his jacket off and wrapped it around me."C'mon, I'm gonna take you to my house." He picked me up and carried me to his car. I began to nod off.
A few minutes, he shook me, making me wake up. He snuck me into his house. We creeped into his room. I sat on his bed as he rammed through his dresser. "Here," he said as he handed me a t-shirt and a pair of basketball shorts. "Thanks," I said as he walked out the room. His room was pretty clean for a boy. Everything was organized, and had it's own spot. I took my clothes off and put on his big t-shirt and shorts. His shirt smelled like him. He smelled like Irish Spring soap, and a hint of Johnson Johnson baby lotion. He came back in, with his shirt off, showing his only tattoo. It was on his chest, it said "Love and Loyalty R.I.P. Tayshawn". He had a cover in his hand and a pillow. "I'll sleep on the floor, you can have my bed." I watched him as he made his pallet. I climbed under the covers. He turned off the light and returned to his pallet on the floor.
I stared at the ceiling. "Why did he save me?" I thought. I tried not to think about it anymore, because it would only make me cry again. "Trevor, can you sleep with me?" I whispered, hoping he was awake.
"Yeah, whatever." He got up and climbed into bed. "Scoot over," he ordered. I scooted over. We both laid facing away from each other. I turned over and stared at his back. I felt like a creep, what if he turns over and sees me staring at him? His body shifted and I quickly closed my eyes. I opened them to fake that I was about to fall asleep. I looked him in his eyes, he leaned closer to my face like he was about to kiss me, but he quickly changed his mind and turned back over to go to sleep.

Never Had (Urban Fiction)
Teen Fiction16 year old Moriah is a regular teenager, who always down plays her feelings and put other people's feelings before her own. She plays hard to get, but often comes off as mean or intimidating. Will her enemy Trevor Moses give her something she never...