Moriah Hill
I groaned as my alarm clock went off. I quickly turned it off, and got out of bed. I went to the bathroom, for my morning pee, and afterwards washed my hands. I stripped out of my pajamas and turned on the water. Once it was warm enough, I stepped in. Ten minutes later, I got out, dried off, brushed my teeth, washed my face, and went back into my room to find an outfit. I searched through my clothes and found something. My outfit consisted of black skinny jeans, a white Explicit Content long-sleeved shirt, and black & white Retro 10's. I put on my clothes, put on my Bradshaw Michael Kors watch, and sprayed Justin Bieber's Girlfriend perfume. I strolled back into the bathroom to do my hair. My hair was difficult as fuck sometimes. Luckily, I straightened my hair last night. I decided just to leave it down. While in between brushing my hair, Aja called me. "Girl I know you still ain't ready. Are you?" She so impatient sometimes. "I'm brushing my hair, nigga damn. I'll be down in a minute." Aja was my ride to school because my parents were already at work. Once I was satisfied with my hair, I quickly went back to my room, put on a black & white Brooklyn Nets snap-back on, and grabbed my backpack.
I hurried up and ran downstairs. Aja's car was parked outside. I walked to her aqua blue 2010 Camaro and got in. "You look cute today." I complimented her. She was wearing a white sleeveless sheer shirt that had the 'Boss' with a pink bandeau, light wash jeans, and black heeled ankle boots. Her 18-inch Remy weave was flowing down her back, looking flawless. "Thanks girl, you look nice too. I see you flat ironed your hair." She said while pulling off. On the way to school, we blasted music and talked about our plans for this weekend. Once she parked her car, we both walked out. When we got into the tenth grade hallway, we were greeted with many 'hi' or 'wassup's. A few dirty looks but it was all good. A person nudged me from behind and walked in front of me. It was none other than Trevor. "Watch where you going Moriah." He snickered. "You bumped me, lil' boy." We walked to Aja's locker to get her stuff. I saw Tremaine at his locker on his phone. "Aye Tremaine!" I yelled. He walked over to us. "Wassup?" He said as he adjusted his Miami Heat snap back. "Talk to your girlfriend." I said as I left Aja and Tremaine.
Aja Thomas
I stared at Moriah as she walked away. If looks could kill, she would be dead by now. Leave it Moriah to do some shit like that. "You look cute when you mad." Tremaine said as he smirked at me. "Shut up." I said smiling. He smiled back at me. Not gonna lie, his smile was everything. "Who you think you talking to lil' girl?" He said playfully. "You nigga. I ain't no little girl." I was shorter than him. Tremaine was 5'11 and I was only 5'4, so he towered over me like a giant. "But you ain't gon throw them hands tho." I squared up with him and fake punched him. He acted like it hurt and doubled over in pain. I tugged on one of his braids. Then he punched me. That shit hurt. "Ow, Tremaine! That hurt nigga." He smacked his lips. "That did not hurt. You a baby." We played around until the bell rang. We had first hour together. During the majority of class, all we did was laugh and talk from across the room until, Mr. McDoug (our teacher) sent him out. After that I had no choice but to pay attention. I genuinely did not know what he was talking about. When the bell rang, the whole class rushed out the door.
In the hallway I went to hang with me and Moriah's usual crew that consisted of Aaliyah, Marco, Ny'Andrea, Demetrius, Shaniya, and Jaden. Usually Trevor hung out with Demetrius and the rest of the boys but he was with his annoying ass girlfriend Melissa. Once it was time to go to second hour Moriah walked over to me looking irritated. "What's wrong?" I asked. "Jacob been talking shit all morning." She rolled her eyes. "Probably because he saw you and Trevor." She rolled her eyes. "Nothing even happened. All he did was bump me and say some slick shit like 'watch where you going' and I was like 'nigga you bumped me!' and kept it moving. Nigga need to learn his place. We are not together." I laughed at her little rant. She was pissed. She gave me a look and I stopped laughing. She mad or nah?
Trevor Moses
I was walking Melissa to her car. Melissa been frowning all day and that shit was aggravating. She won't even tell me why she mad. "Bae what's wrong? You been acting funky all day." I tried to wrap my arm around her but she quickly moved. Did my girlfriend just curve me? The fuck? "You know what's wrong? You always talking to other bitches. That's what's wrong. Flirting with every bitch you see." I furrowed my eyebrows.
"Melissa, who have you seen me flirt with?"
"Moriah, Ny'Andrea, Natalia, Asia.."
"I bumped into Moriah, we exchanged a few words and that was that. You know me and Ny'Andrea cool, we friends. She don't get down like that. Natalia was tryna come on to me but I told her I was faithful to you. And Asia, I just asked her about our homework. You need to stop letting little shit get to you." She grinned and hugged me. "Aw babe. I'm sorry! I know I be tripping but I love you. I know how thirsty girls can be around you." She does this shit all the time, trip about other girls, and feel bad when she realize I'm faithful. Always have been, always will be. "Yeah, I know bitches can't resist a young, sexy nigga like me. We both laughed. I kissed her. One kiss lead to another, things escalated and we ended up naked in the back of her car.
Moriah Hill
"She's stupid." Aja mumbled while watching an episode of Catfish. "I don't know how she thought that was the real him." I said as I opened a bag of Spicy Nacho Doritos. Aja reached her hand in my bag and I quickly snatched my bag away. "I'ma remember that when you want some of my Cheetos bitch." I instantly handed the bag to her while mumbling, "Here nigga damn." She gladly grabbed some. "You know what I just thought?" I questioned. "What?" she asked. "My future husband could be somewhere fucking some bitch... He's a hoe." She laughed. She put her feet on my lap. I glared at her. She shrugged. "So what did you and Tremaine talk about?" I asked curiously. "Nothing." she said while grinning. I gave her a creepy ass look only she would understand. "I know what you're thinking. I don't like him all like that. So chill." I knew the real truth. She was floating on clouds and shit. Here I am tryna put people together and I'm lonely as fuck.

Never Had (Urban Fiction)
Teen Fiction16 year old Moriah is a regular teenager, who always down plays her feelings and put other people's feelings before her own. She plays hard to get, but often comes off as mean or intimidating. Will her enemy Trevor Moses give her something she never...