Tremaine Moses
"Shut the fuck up Trevor." I said while pressing the buttons on the remote controller. Trevor was currently beating my ass in NBA 2k14, 21 to 47. "Ouch!" I yelled as my older sister braided my hair which was a few inches past my shoulders. Me and Trevor had good hair because we were mixed. A black daddy and a white mama. "Damn Tay! You hurtin' me." I said as I rubbed the spot that hurt the most. "Heavy handed ass." Ten minutes later, she was finally done. I reached in my pocket a gave her a ten dollar bill. Ain't that a shame? I gotta pay my sister just so she can braid my hair. I strolled in the kitchen to see my mama cooking. I stood beside her. "Mama?" She looked at me. "Yeah baby?" I grinned real hard. "I love you." She made a face I seen too many times. "What you want Tremaine?" She already knew what I was up to. "Can I borrow your car? Pleaase?" I whined. She huffed. "Yeah, bring my car back when you done." I kissed her cheek. "Thanks ma." I ran up stairs to grab one of my many snapbacks. Trevor was still playing the game. "Aye nigga, I'm 'bouta roll out you coming?" I picked up a OKC snapback that went along with my outfit. Which was a pair of white cargo shorts, an Orange and white nike shirt and blue & orange Nike KD lV Elite's. Trevor turned the Xbox off and slid on his nike flip-flops. We walked down stairs, I grabbed the keys off the dining room table. "And don't have none of them fast tail girls in my car!" my mama yelled as we walked out the door. We laughed at our mama. For her to be white, she sure is ghetto as hell. But that's ma though.
"Bruh, stop at the store right quick."
"You got money?"
"Yeah nigga."
"Well let's go 'den."
I made a quick U-turn and pulled up at the corner store. We walked in the store. I saw this skinny ass nigga arguing with one of the employees behind the counter. I laughed, that nigga was going hard. I went to the beverage section and got me a Strawberry-Watermelon Clear Fruit. "Trip?" said a female's voice. It had to be a stoner or crack head because she called me by my street name. I turned around to see a fine ass Blasian girl. "Wassup?" I said. "Do you remember me?" she asked. She looked familiar but I ain't know her. Then a whole bunch a bells ringed in my head. Oh, she was that girl I fucked at my friend Marco's party a few months ago. "Oh, yeah. Wassup shawty," I said my Atlanta accent seeping through. "I was wondering if you wanted to chill sometime.." Forget chillin', she was tryna fuck. "Yeah, we can do 'dat." She smiled and slipped me her number. On the slip of paper it had her name on it. Her name was Jas. Then she walked away. Daaamn, she had fat ass!
Trevor walked over to where I was. "I swear you always pullin' bitches," he mumbled. "You mad bruh?" I smirked. He just mad 'cuz that bitch Melissa got his ass pussy whipped. But I ain't mad at him, it's cool he got a girl and all. "Nah I'm cool. Atleast I ain't gotta pay some bitch for some shit I could get from my girl." Trevor spoke honestly. "Yeah, everybody get it from 'ya girl." I mumbled. He gave me a look that read 'Bitch-don't-play' and my look said 'who-'gon- check-me-though'. He rolled his eyes. "'Lil bro, I'm tryna put you up on game." I stated. She was cool and all, but ole girl got around. "You only older by eight minutes, chill." I always held that "older by however minutes" shit over Trevor head because he be thinking he can talk shit.
Once, we finally paid for our stuff, we got back in the car. "Where we going anyways?" Trevor asked. "To Mark and T house." 15 minutes later, I pulled up at the house. As soon as I walked in, it was smoke filled. Naked bitches was walking around, some sitting on niggas' laps. I dapped up Mark and T, they said wassup to me and Trevor. Mark lead me to the back that was full of pounds of weed, cocaine, and cabinets full of different pills. He gave me a pound of weed. "Wang said you got a week to sell that. He also said you got one more time to not give him his money on time and he 'gon throw yo ass." Throw my ass meaning, he was 'gon kill me. Literally. I sighed. "Trip man, Wang getting real aggravated witchu'. I'm just tryna let you know." Wang was a man I sold drugs for. He killed niggas everyday over his money. That motherfucker was crazy. Yeah, I slanged rocks just every other nigga. But I sold the small stuff, weed and occasionally pills. I wasn't no kingpin, drug lord, or no shit like that. I was just a simple ass duffle bag boy. I took my shit and got the fuck up out there because Wang was sure to be back. "Why you do that?" Trevor asked when we got back in the car. "Sell weed? Shit, a nigga gotta get money some way." Trevor just shook his head. He was the good twin out of us two. We were equally bad but he was better than me. He smoked weed, popped a few pills before but never did no major shit. I done killed niggas before, did a lot of shit I ain't proud of, but shit I'm still here ain't I?
A few hours later, we came back to the house. I ate the food my mama was cooking earlier and went up stairs to my room. I sat on my bed and sparked up a blunt. I laid down. Why you do that? I never thought about why I did the shit I did. I don't know why, I just always felt like I was always a bad person. Always a villain. I shrugged. I thought some more and was instantly put into a bad mood. I just decided to go to sleep. Maybe, I can ignore my conscience and rest. Maybe.

Never Had (Urban Fiction)
Teen Fiction16 year old Moriah is a regular teenager, who always down plays her feelings and put other people's feelings before her own. She plays hard to get, but often comes off as mean or intimidating. Will her enemy Trevor Moses give her something she never...