Chapter 1

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(Her Outfit above)

"Honeyyyy, Im hooome," I screamed as I walked into the Clout House .

"Harlow?" I heard a male voice shout.

I knew exactly who it was. My best friend, Faze Adapt or Alex. I smiled to myself and yelled, "Nah, it's the maid."

"Are you joking my ass," Alex laughed as he came into my view.

"Shit ya caught me," I joked.

"You've never been sneaky," he joked back as he pulled me into a hug.

"Whatever," I joke back as we pull away from each other.

"I need to show you something," he said grabing my hand.

"Where are you taking me?" I question.

"You'll see," he said with a smile.

Alex lead me down the stairs and out of the garage. I look around and saw Alex's GTR had an Off-White wrap. I smiled to myself and thought that only Alex would do this.

"Off-White, GTR?" he questioned with a cute smiled.  No, no, not cute, what I'm I thinking?

"Only you would do this, but it is lit," I laughed as I walked around the car.

"I'm always lit," he screamed.

" Eughhh," Romvn screamed from the balcony of the house as they did their signature dance thing.

I just shook my head and walked back to the house. I opened the door to go inside and ran right into Nick.( ClevelandsVeryOwn)

"Ham!!" he yelled and helped me up from off the ground.

"Damm, Johnson, calm your shit," I snapped as I got to my feet.

"Clam the fuck down you ran into me," he fired back.

I put my hands up in defense as my brother walked into view.

"Banks, Nick, what up my Gs'," Alex yelled walking up behind me. They all did their little hand shake thing as I sat there awkwardly. Before I knew it Romvn, Rice and Nikan had joined the group.

" I came down here to ask you guys if you wanted to go get some grub," Banks asks after awhile of them all talking.

" Boiii, you know me too well," I said already walking to the door.

They all laughed and started to follow me.

"Who's riding were?" I asked as I stepped into the garage.

" I can take my GTR," Alex stated.

"Shotgun," I screamed at the top off my lungs almost cutting Alex off. Before anyone said anything else I was running to the newly wrapped car. I head laughter behind me as I opened the car door. What a bunch of fools I thought to myself. The driver's door opened and Alex got in.

"They're take the Range," Alex grinned.

" Oh, so all that for nothing?" I asked.

" Wow, thanks a lot," Alex laughed. Dam that's a cute laugh. No, what's wrong with me today?

"Sorry, you can have the aux," I pleaded.

"In my own car?" he questioned.

" I was trying to be nice," I giggled.

" You can be on aux, I'm driving anyway," he stated.

" Wow, so much power," I laughed and he just smiled. That smile made me melt. NO, not again. What is wrong with me today? Do I like my best friend?

It Will Always Be You // Faze AdaptWhere stories live. Discover now