Chapter 4

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I woke up and got dress (her outfit and bag above) and did a little bit of makeup. Today I have a photo shoot for Vans and then I'm gonna go get my new whip. I walk down stairs and run into Alex.

"Hamm," Alex screams.

"Dam, your loud," I laugh as he pulls me into a hug.

"What ya doing today," he asks as we pull away.

"I got a shoot with Vans then I'm gonna get my new whip," I say as I grab my Gucci Backpack.

"Little Ham, making moves," Alex laughs with a smile.

"You know it," I giggle, "good luck on your date."

"Thanks, umm, ya know how we all are suppose to go clubbing tomorrow," Alex questions.

"Yeah," I reply.

"I think I'm going to bring, Andrea, if everything goes well," Alex smiles.

"That's awesome, Alex," I say. Great, just great. Now what I'm I suppose to do?

"Good your happy about it," Alex says excitedly.

"I'm happy for you, Alex, I really just want you to be happy," I smile. In reality that is really all I want for Alex. Him to be happy, but it would be nice if it was with me.

"Byee," I yell and walk out to my Uber. The drive wasn't that bad, just really quite.

*Skip time to after her shoot*

As I walked out to my Uber, I was so happy. That shoot was just slaughtered by the one and only Harlow Banks. Now, to go get me a lit new whip.

"Alissa, Sommer,  want to come with me to get my new car," I scream as I walk into the Clout House.

"Finally, your back," Sommer screams.

"Can you tell us what your getting now," Alissa questions.

"Yeah," Sommer agrees.

"I'm getting the 2018 Audi R8 Coupe," I say with a huge smile.

"An Audi?" Sommer questions.

"Ham bout to be flexing," Alissa screams.

"Come on let's go," I almost scream.

"Your getting a R8," Banks asks walking down the stairs.

"Yeah, wanna come," I question.

"Sure, I'm gonna vlog it," he states

"Bet, let's go," I yell. We all walk out and get in Alissa's car.

*Skip the drive*

We pulled up to the Audi Dealer. I leap out of the car and walk into the dealer.

"How many I help you," I tall woman with black hair asks.

"I'm here to pick up a R8 Coupe," I state with a smile.

"Harlow Banks," she questions.

"That's me," I say with a smile.

"Sign a few papers then y'all can go get it," she says with smile. I take the papers, read through them and sign them. Then I hand them back to the lady.

"Thank you," she says.

"Nah, thank you," I say with a smile.

She smiles and says, "ready to see your new car?"

"Yup," I say following her. She hands me the keys to my new car and takes me, Banks, Alissa and Sommer outside.

"DAMM, little Ham, flexing much?" I hear my brother scream.

"Shit, Ham," is all Alissa said.

"Wow," Sommer said walking around my new whip.

"Fresh?" I question.

"Hella," they all replied.

"Who wants to ride with me," I ask.

Before anyone could said anything Banks screams, "Me."

"K, let go," I said getting into my new car. Me and my brother got in my new car and skrt back to the Clout House. As I pulled up to the house Alex, Rice, Romvn, Faze Kay, Nikan, Nick and Wolfie walked out.

"Looking freshhh," Rice and Romvn screamed as Banks and I got out of the car.

"Flexing," some one else yelled.

"Thanks guys," I smiled looking back at my car. They all smile walking around the car.

"You guys wanna go get some Canes?" Banks ask.

"Bett," I scream.

"I can't, but I'll see ya guys lighterrr," Alex screams.

"Have a good date," I say with a smile, but on the inside I was dying.

"Thanks," Alex says with a huge smile.

"Canes?" I half yell.

"Let's go, but I'm riding with you," Rice yells.

"No chance," Banks laughs.

"I'm hungry so work it out," I say with a little laugh as I get into my car. Rice got into the seat next to me and I start laughing.

"What," he asks.

"Nothing," I state.

(Her new whip)

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(Her new whip)

It Will Always Be You // Faze AdaptWhere stories live. Discover now