Chapter 10

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*The next day*

I woke up starving, so I walked to the kitchen. As I turn to the fridge I saw Alex and Veronica making-out on the counter. Fuck my life. I turn around and walk back to my room. After, I ordered a bagel on Postmates and started watching Gossip Girl, for about the 8th time.

"Ham," I heard a female voice shout.

"In my room, Alissa," I scream back.

"Here," she said while handing me my bagel.

"Thanks," I smile.

"Hey, you ok," she ask as she sits down on my bed.

"Yeah, I'm gucci," I laugh.   

"Ok, you really scared the shit out of me and Banks," Alissa states.

"Yeaaah, sorry bout that," I giggle.

"So, how are you and Alex doing," she smirks.

"I don't know, maybe you can ask him once he stops making-out with a new thot," I mumble. 

"Oh, Ham," she utters while pulling me into a hug.

"I don't want to think about him anymore," I utter to Alissa while trying not to cry.

"Then let's have a girls day," she yells.

"Hell ya," I giggle.

"We can go get out hair done, get massages, get manicures, have lunch and go clubbing," Alissa declares.

"Bet," I laugh.

"It's a date, so get ready," Alissa laughs. I laugh back and walk to my bathroom. I take a shower, put on a little bit of makeup and then change into my outfit. (Her outfit above)

"Alissa, you ready," I yell, while walking down the stairs. I look over and see Alex and Veronica at the end of the staircase.

"Ham, this is Veronica," Alex states, with a smile.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Harlow," I smile.

"Yeah," she fake smiles back. What a bitch.

"Well, have you seen, Sommer," I ask.

"Nah," Alex states.

"Well, I'm gonna go look for her," I smile as I walk.

"Sommer!" I yell, while walking up to her room.

"Little Ham, I'm so excited about the girls day," Sommer smiles, while hugging me.

"Me too, we haven't hung out in a minute," I giggle.

"Yeah, this is going to be such a good day," Sommer states.

Before I could answer Alissa walks into the room and yells, "Nah, it's going to be the best day ever."

"Hell ya, let's go," I scream. We all walk down stairs and get into Alissa's car.

"Where we going first," I ask, while buckling my seatbelt.

"To the massage place," Alissa replies.

"Then to get our nails done," I ask.

"Yep, and then we go get out hair done," Sommer states.

"Then we go get lit," I scream.

*Time skip to after they get their hair done*

"Dam, we looking like snacks," I laugh as we walk into the Clout House.

"Nah, more like full course meals," Alissa laughs.

"For real doe," Sommer laughs.

"I'm gonna go pick a fit," I state as I walk up to my room.

(her outfit)

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(her outfit)

"Hey we gonna go," I yell as I walk out of the elevator.

"Who is going?" Alissa asks as she walks up to me.

"I have know clue," I laugh as Alex, Alex's thot, Romvn, Nikan, Rice, Banks, Nick, Sommer, Chantel and Mitchell.

"Your sidekick ," Alissa laughs.

"Bitch you already know," I laugh.

"Let's go get lit," Romvn screams.

"Hell ya," I yell.

"Bett," Nick screams.

"I'm taking a Uber," I state.

"That's a good idea," Alex laughs.

"Yeah," I blandly say. We all walk out to the Ubers and jump in.

We just all got to the club and guess what song came on, Ric Flair Drip.

"Slide on the water like a jet-ski, yeah, I'm tryna fuck you and your bestie, yeah," Romvn, Nick, Nikan and I scream. We all danced and sang for at least 3 hours.

"Yo, I'm gonna go find the rest of the squad," I scream over Lil Uzi.

"Bet, I'll be there," he yells.

I walk around and finally found Alex. Guess who was with him, yup the thot.

"The fuck you doing here," she snapped.

"Go suck a dick," I snapped.

"I don't even know you," she snapped.

"Exactly, so maybe you should get to know me, you dumb bitch," I yell as I looked for someone I actually like.

"Don't call her that," Alex screams while walking up to me.
"Why? No, let me guess you love her," I fire back at him.

"You call her that again, and we aren't friends anymore," he yelled at me.

"Your taking her side, even though she started it," I yell over the music.

"Listen to your self, you sound like a 6 year old," he screams.

"You know what asshole, all I've ever done is be there for you. Now that I ask you just to believe me this one time and that's just to much to ask for. You know what Alex, for all the fucks I give, we aren't friends anymore," I scream, making sure he heard every word and with that I turned and walked over to the bar. I'm not going to let Alex ruin the night.

"Ham!" I heard someone scream. I look over to see Lucas.

"Lucas," I scream.

"Harlooow," he drunkenly slurs.

"I didn't know you were here," I laugh.

"Yeah, Nick told me to pull up," he smiles.

"Bet," I scream.

"Want ta dance," he asks with a smile.

"Hell ya," I laugh. Me and Lucas danced and drank until 4 in the morning. After,I got so drunk, Alissa took me back to the Clout House and I passed out.

It Will Always Be You // Faze AdaptWhere stories live. Discover now