Chapter 9

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*2 days have passed*

Alex's POV

It's 10 in the morning and I just woke up in a chair next to Ham's hospital bed. I scan the room to see I'm the only one still here.

"Harlow," I ask. No reply.

"Look Ham, I really need you to wake up right now, I don't know what I would do without you," I whisper to her. Still, no reply.

"Please? Ham for me," I utter. I see her move and start to open her eyes.

"Ham!" I scream throwing my arms around her. As I pull away I see her give a weak smile.

"Alex," she barely whispers.

"I'm so happy your awake," I exclaim. She just nods her head. I reach for my phone to call Rickey, but instead I see him and a very tired looking Alissa walk in.

"Harlow," they both scream running up to her.

"Hey," Harlow mumbles with a smile.

"I'm going to go get the docter," Banks blurts.

"I'm so happy your awake," Alissa yells as she hugs Ham.

"Yeah,"Harlow states with a smile.

"Harlow?" asks a brown haired man as he enters the room.

"That's me," Harlow replies with a smile.

"You are very healthly," the man smiles.

"Does that mean I can go home," Harlow asks.

"After, I run a few tests," the man laughs.

"Someone really wants to go home," I laugh.

"Don't you want to go home too?" Harlow asks me with a huge smile.

"Yeah, but I won't leave this building until you leave," I reply. She turns her head as she blushes.

"You guys are a cute cuple," the docter states.

"Oh, we are just friends," Harlow blushes.

"Yeah, anyway I'm going to go run those test," the docter states as he walks out of the room.

"So, when is the wedding?" Banks smirks.

"Fuck off," Harlow weakly snaps.

"Shut the fuck up, Ricky," I yell.

"At least let them get engaged," Alissa laughs.

I just flip them off.

"Dam, you two are perfect for each other," Banks laughs.

After, about 2 hours the doctor walks in."So good news, Harlow, you can go home today," the docter states as he walks into the room.

"Really!" Harlow screams as she trys to get off the bed, but slips.

"Easy," I laugh as I grab her waist, to keep her from falling.

"Thanks," she whispers with a smile. I just smile back. Dam, this girl is something else. Banks, Alissa, Harlow and I walk to the front desk. Harlow signs a few papers while I take her clothes that she came here in. After, we all walked out to the two cars.

"Want to ride with me?" I ask Ham.

"Sure," she states.

Harlow's POV

Alex helped me into his car and went to get in the driver's seat. As I waited, I thought about how he was just kissing some hoe. The memory flashed back into my head. I closed my eyes, trying not to cry.

"You ok," Alex's voice brought me back into reality.

"I'm fine," I smile. Even though I'm no where near fine. My heart is shattered and my mind is in a thousand places.

Alex looked over at me. "Why did you leave the club, Ham," he questions softly.

"I saw somthing that I really didn't want to see," I mumble.

"Like what," he questions further.

"Nothing," I say, pissed off that he asked again.

"What is nothing," he asks.

"Please, just shut up," I snap.

"Don't tell me what to do," he snaps.

"Stop the car," I snap back.

"No," he utters.

"Now," I barely say, as a tear falls down my face. I quickly wipe the tear away.

"Why won't you tell me," he says softly.

I just look out the window.

"Ham?" he questions.

"It won't matter to you," I mumble.

"Well you matter to me," he softly says.

"Not as much as I want to," I say under my breath.

"What's that suppose to mean," he asks.

Shit, he heard that. "Nothing," I mumble as we pull up to the Clout House. I slide out of the car and walk to my room. I was just about to take a shower when I hear a soft knock on my door.

"Who is it," I ask.

"Me," Alex says.

I walk over and open the door."Cool," I say sarcastically.

"I need to tell you somthing," he says as he sits on my bed.

Just as I was about to reply I heard a voice I didn't recognize, "Alex, are you back?"

"Who is that," I question.

"Veronica, I just met her," he smiles.

"That's good," I say as happy as I could.

"She is the best," he states, as his face lights up.

"Well, I'm gonna get in the shower, so see ya soon," I say blandly as I walk into my bathroom and shut the door, before he could say anything else. I get into the shower, drop to the floor and start to cry softly.

"I hate this," I whisper to myself, as tears stream down my face.

It Will Always Be You // Faze AdaptWhere stories live. Discover now