Chapter 12

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*2 weeks have passed*

It's been 2 weeks since I've seen Alex, but today the Clout House is throwing a party. I rolled out of bed and walked to the kitchen to grab some yogurt.

"What's up boo," Sommer screams as I walk into the kitchen.

"Not much, I'm just hungry, hoe," I state, earning a laugh from her. I walk up to the fridge and grab my yogurt.

"You excited about the party?" Sommer questions.

"Hella," I laugh.

"It's going to be the best thing ever," Sommer smiles.

"Yeah and I'm gonna have the litest outfit," I smile.

"I can't even argue," she laughs.

"We probably should go get the goods from Target," I state, while throwing my yogurt cup away.

"Yeah and let's drag Alissa with us," she states as I laugh.

"Bet," I say as we walk to Alissa's room.

"Alissa get yo ass out here and come to Target, with us," I scream.

"Dam, your loud," Alissa laughs as she walks out of her room.

"Let's go," I yell as we walk out to Alissa's car.

*Time skip to after Target*

"I'm gonna go change," I say as I finish putting snacks out.

"I can't wait to see that fit," Sommer screams.

"Yeah, it better be as lit as you say," Alissa screams.

"I'm gonna be looking like a snack," I scream as I start to walk up to my room.

After, I changed, I walked out of my room to look for Alissa and Sommer

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After, I changed, I walked out of my room to look for Alissa and Sommer.

"Hey hoes, still want to see the fit," I scream as I walk up to the 4th floor. I turn to walk into the kitchen and see Romvn, Banks, Nick, Nikan, Alex, Rice, Mitchell, Wolfie, Kay, and Ryan standing there.

"Dam, who's the lucky guy," Rice laughs.

"None of you fools," I joke.

"Sure bout that," Romvn smirks.

"I thought I told your head ass to shut it," I snap.

"When do I ever listen," he laughs.

"Romvn, please," I exclaim.

"Fine, pussy," he laughs.

"Go suck a dick," I joke as I grab a water from the fridge.

"Don't you think those shorts are too short," Banks states.

"Nah, where is your girlfriend," I ask.

"I don't know, but you should change," he demands.

"Since when did you give a fuck about what I wear," I laugh.

"I was just trying to be a brother," he states.

"Well at least ya tried," I laugh as I walk down stairs to find my hoes.

"Looking like a snack," I heard Sommer yell.

"Nah, bitch that's a full course meal," Alissa laughs.

"Your right," Sommer laughs.

"Told ya," I laugh as I spin around.

"Well, ya told right," Sommer laughs.

"Definitely," Alissa laughs.

"When does this bitch start," I ask as we walk up stairs.

"8," Alissa replies.

"So bout 9," I ask.

"Yeah, that's about right," Sommer agrees.

"Bet," I exclaim as we walk into the kitchen, where all the boys are. 

"Hey, Ham, can we talk," Alex ask as he walks up to me.

"Look Alex, I really don't want to listen to you tell me that I'm a horrible person and I need to treat you girlfriend better," I state as I turn to walk back down stairs.

"No, Ham. That's nothing close to what I want to talk about," Alex exclaims, as he walks toward me.

"Thanks, now I feel bad," I utter.

"Nah, your good, but let's go some where a little more private," Alex smiles as we walk to my room.

"What's up," I ask as I jump on my bed.

"I broke up with, Veronica," Alex states as he jumps down next to me.

"Really! I mean, I'm sorry about that," I say as I turn to face Alex.

He shakes his head. "I just hate the fact you were right about her," he states.

"Wait, she cheated on you," I ask feeling bad.

"Yeah," he sighs.

"Where is this bitch," I yell as I jump off the bed with my fists clenched.

"Ham, I told her to never show her face here again," he laughs.

"So," I laugh as I turn to walk out my door.

"No, Ham, don't leave me," Alex laughs as he jumps up and grabs me by the waist.

"If I ever see that bitch again I'm beating her ass," I whisper, trying not to focus on how close he is to me.

"I'm sure you will," he laughs as he lets go of my waist.

"Just sure," I question as I raise my eyebrows.

"Ok, I know you will," he laughs.

"Good, let's go find her," I state as I grab his hand.

"No, Ham," Alex laughs as he grabs my other hand.

"Are you actually gonna hang out with me at this party," I question.

"Anything for you, Ham," Alex laughs as we walk out of my room.

"Bet," I scream.

"Little Ham," Alex laughs.

"I hate how you call me little," I joke.

"I know," he laughs.

It Will Always Be You // Faze AdaptWhere stories live. Discover now