Chapter 17

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"Ham," I hear Alex softly state.

"Alex," I giggle.

"You're awake," he whispers as he pulls me closer to him.

"Ham, I have a letter for you," some one yells outside of our room. "What are you guys doing in there anyway?"

"I'll be out in second, Nick," I scream as Alex rolls over, completely naked and gets out of bed, his back covered in scratches. I smile at the memory of last night, before quickly getting out of Alex's huge bed.

"Can I have a sweatshirt, babe," I whisper to Alex.

"Yeah, here," Alex smiles as he hands me a Off-White sweatshirt.

"Love you," I whisper in his ear.

"I love you too," he smiles as he smashes his lips onto mine.

"Can you guys please let me in," Nick screams, still outside of the door.

"I'm gonna go take a shower," Alex states as I walk over to the door, to let Nick in.

"What's up, Johnson," I grin.

"Dam, Romvn did call it," Nick laughs.

"Call what," I question as I walk over to the couch in Alex's room.

"That you guys would fuck," Nick announces.

"Where did you guys get that idea," I state as I grab the remote.

"Um, I wonder," Nick laughs.

"I do," I state trying not to smile.

"Harlow, I saw the way you were walking," Nick laughs.

"Shit," I giggle as I go to Netflix.

"Babe have you seen my phone," Alex asks as he walks out into the room, only wearing a towel.

"Nah, sorry babes," I grin as I turn on The Flash. Alex turns around and walks back into the bathroom.

"Dam, you guys did get freaky," Nick laughs as he looks at Alex's back.

"For all we know you're still a virgin," I joke.

"Alex probably was," Nick laughs.

"No, he definitely wasn't," I giggle.

"Ok, here is your letter," Nick utters awkwardly as he walks out of the room.

"Who's it from," Alex asks as he jumps on couch right next to me, fully clothed.

"I don't know," I smile as Alex wraps his arm around me.

"Ya gonna open it," he inquires.

"Sure," I giggle as I open the envelope.

"Well," he smiles.

"It's-it's-uh-um from my-my-my biological mom," I stutter, trying not to cry.

"What I thought she passed away," Alex exclaims.

"She wrote it seven years ago," I whisper as tears fall down my cheeks.

"Babes," Alex softly utters as he pulls me closer.

"How did I just get it," I question as tears run down my face.

"I don't know, but how about you read it," Alex states, rubbing my back.

"Dear Harlow,

My beloved Harlow. I've always loved you and I always will. I know you will grow up to be a wonderful person. You probably are wondering how you got this letter. Well, to start off if you are reading this letter you already know I'm dead. Anyway, I've gave you all my assets, which you will receive when you turn 20. This letter should be sent to you 1 month before you turn 20. I want you to spend it all well. Even though, I know you will. Stay sweet and I'll always love you.

With love, Your Mom," I read as tears continued to fall down my face. My mother was a multimillionaire and to be honest I think she hated me, but I still loved her.

"Babe, I'm here for you," Alex expresses as he pulls me closer to his warm body.

"I shouldn't be crying, she never cared about me. Hell, I've lived eight years without that woman," I utter as I wipe my tears away.

"Harlow it's ok for you to cry about this. It wasn't her fault." Alex states as he caresses my cheek.

"I'm not going to," I state as I get up and throw the letter on the table.

"Don't do anything you'll regret," he replies.

"Alex I turned 20, 8 months ago," I state as I walk towards the bathroom.

"I'd call your mother's lawyer," he states as I walk into the bathroom, him hot on my heels.

"I need to go home today, but I will call the lawyer," I state as I grab my backpack.

"Why do you have to leave," he whines as he warps his arms around my waist.

"Because I don't live here," I exclaim.

"But you could," Alex smiles as he pulls my body closer to his.

"Try and tell Alissa and Sommer that," I giggle.

"I'd rather not," he laughs his goofy laugh.

"Can we tell them about us," I question.

"Yeah, lets go," he smiles as he grabs my hand and pulls me out of his room.

"Wanna take my car," I ask as we step into the garage.

"Sure," he smiles.

"You have to drive," I yell as I run to the passenger seat.  

"Don't you dare touch that fucking door handle," he screams.

"Oh, Alex," I smile as I shake my head.

He walks over and opens the car door for me. Immediately, a smile spreads acrossed my face as I sit down in the car. A few seconds later he sits down in the driver seat next to me and smiles.

"What," I smile.

"You're my favorite," he grins.

"Favorite what?" I wonder aloud.

"Well, just that. My favorite pair of eyes to look into. My favorite name to hear. My favorite way to spend an afternoon. You name it beautiful, I said favorite for a reason," he grins.

"You're my favorite too," I blush.

*Time skip to the Clout House* 

"Your main bitch is back," I scream as I pull Alex into the Clout House.

"Hamm," Alissa screams as she runs down the stairs.

"Violet," I scream as we pull each other into a hug.

"I miss you baby," she laughs.

"I missed you too, boo," I giggle.

"Little sis is back," Banks smiles as he pulls me away from Alissa.

"Yup," I smile.

"Come on you've got a lot to tell me," Alissa laughs as she pulls me up the stairs.

It Will Always Be You // Faze AdaptWhere stories live. Discover now