Chapter 13

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"Alex this is our shit," I drunkenly scream as Cocoon by Migos, comes on.

"Niggas love when the birds sing, white cocaine, pinky and the brain," I drunkenly scream.

"Ham, how many drinks have you had," Alex screams over the song.

"I don't know, but come on dance with me," I scream.

"No, Ham, you need to go to bed," Alex yells as he reaches for my arm.

"No, Alex," I whine.

"Lets go," Alex states.

"Why," I yell as I almost trip over my feet.

"It's time for you to go home," Alex screams as he picks me up and puts me over his shoulder.

"Ale-e-ex," I giggle.

"Dam, how many drinks did you have?" Alex questions again.

"It dosn't matter," I giggle as Alex sets me in his car and buckles my seatbelt.

"Oh, Ham," Alex laughs.

"You be looking like a snack," I drunkenly slur to Alex with a smirk.

"You had way to much to drink," Alex laughs as he closes the door.

"So, which club-b-b we going ta no-o-ow," I slur.

"No club," he responds.

"Why," I whine.

"Because you are hella drunk," he laughs.

"Me-e-e-e," I question.

"Yeah, you-u-u," he laughs as we pull up to his crib.

"Sure-e-e," I giggle.

He gets out of the car and walks to my side.

"I can walk," I giggle as I slide out of the car and fall on my ass.

"Little Ham," Alex laughs as he picks me up and carries me up to his room.

"Mus-s-sic," I slur as I turn on Alex's speakers.

"Throw some jolly ranchers in make it sweeter, Versace my clothes I'm with a white ho, and she snortin' three lines like Adidas," Travis Scott's voice blasts through the speakers.

"Ham, come on, you need to get ready for bed," Alex states as he crosses his arms, like an angry mom.

"Fine," I giggle as I pull off my clothes, leaving me in my black lace bra and panties.

"Ham!" Alex yells as he grabs a hoodie and throws it to me. Instead of me catching the hoodie I turn and start to dance to Travis Scott.

"Tryna' text my accountant, ain't no service in the mountains," I drunkenly scream as I roll my hips and run my hand through my hair.

"Ham, stop," Alex screams as he stares at my body.

"Come on-n-n dance with me-e-e," I slur.

Before I knew it Alex grabed me and shoved a oversized hoodie on my body.

"k, you got what you wanted, now let's dance," I scream.

"Ham, you need to sleep," Alex states as he reaches out to grab me, but misses.

"Dance-e-e," I slur as I keep dancing.

As I turn, Alex grabs my waist and pulls me cloes to his body.

"Hey," I giggle.

"Stop dancing," he demands.

"Only if we can stay like this," I giggle.

"You need to sleep," Alex smiles as he pushes a piece of my hair behind my ear. 

"But I won't be able to sleep," I whine as I place my head on his shoulder.

"Will you go to bed if I sit with you," he asks.

"No, you have to sleep in the same bed," I whine.

"Fine," he laughs as he picks me up and sets me on his bed.

"Your the best," I giggle as he lays down next to me.

"And you are really drunk," he laughs.

"Yeah," I giggle as my eyes start to get heavy.

"That dam giggle," Alex laughs as I cuddle up next to him.

"I hate it," I mumble as I close my eyes.

"Go to sleep little Ham," Alex softly whispers as he wraps his arm around me, pulling me closer to his warm body. With that I drifted off the sleep.

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