Chapter 9: Adam Warlock

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--Somewhere in Space--

Richard panted as he returned to battle against Adam. Quill was still knocked out and was hovering in space as Richard was technically the only one who was fighting Adam. Gamora and Mantis were nowhere to be found while Groot was trying his best to fight Adam from the ship. Rocket was still making a missile that could destroy him in one go.

"Where the hell is Rocket?!" Richard shouted, as he blasted a energy beam at Adam. "Any idea Groot?!"

"I am Groot!" Groot responded, moving his branches to force Adam to a different direction.

"Very useful information, Groot! I'll keep that in mind!" Richard punched Adam so hard that he flung a little deep into space. "Take that, bitch."

In a blink of an eye, Adam appeared behind him. He punched Richard and he hit the side of the wing with his face. Adam smiled, as he entered the Milano. Quill started to blink his eyes but he was partially knocked out. Richard shook his head as he quickly followed Adam inside the Milano.

"What do you want from us?!" Richard asked, as he looked for Adam in the ship. "We can give you what you're looking for and we'll all come out with limbs attached."

"I've come for the Orb, also known as the Power Stone. The Sovereign believes that they can balance the universe." Adam said but his voice was so low that Richard could not find where it came from.

"You have some nice powers over there, where'd you get em'?"

"I was born from a cocoon nest. It is where I rest as I would regenerate my powers after battles."

"Sounds like you have a boring life in that cocoon."

Once again, Adam appeared Richard and punched him in the face. This time, Richard stood his ground but still felt the pain on his right cheek. He blasted Adam and he flew out of the ship. This time, however, Quill was awake.

"Surprise, boy." Quill said, as he shot his blasters at Adam. Richard followed by shooting his lasers out of his hands and looked at Quill. Quill rolled his eyes, "Showoff."

Adam started to deflect the blasters and all the shots were going all over the place. Some shots hit them back like Richard getting hit in the leg by Quill's blaster and Quill getting hit by Richard's lasers. Adam quickly flew towards Quill and grabbed him by the neck.

"Peter Quill, where is the Orb? My race requests it from you. If you do not comply, you w-" Adam was cut off by Quill.

"What?! Kill me." Quill shrugged it off, "That's what everyone says."

"But this time, I'm serious." Adam tightened his grip on Quill's neck, "Really serious."

"Richard! Help, Richard!" Quill shouted, as Richard attacked Adam but he didn't even flinch. He turned around and looked straight into his eyes.

"Look, that was my mistake. I didn't mean to do that." Richard nervously said, as he flung a few kilometers back with a punch from Adam.

Quill tried to kick him in the body but he didn't move. He looked into his pocket which had nothing in it. His eyes started to glow as Quill could feel something wrong.

"This ain't right!" Quill shouted, as Groot's branches tangled around Adam's arms. Quill kicked him back into the ship as Richard appeared.

"That bastard knows how to punch. That hurts a lot." Richard said, as he went in the ship.

Adam was struggling to get out of Groot's beaches because every time he breaks a branch, a new one will grow. It is a continuous cycle. Mantis quickly ran over to Adam and placed her hands on his forehead.

"Just keep on doing your magic, Mantis. That will help a lot. And I mean a shit ton." Quill said, as he took a seat on a chair.

"Guys, I made a mis-" Rocket paused when he saw Mantis making Adam go to sleep. He just sighed and sat beside Quill who was leaning his head on the wall.

"What the hell took you so long to build that stupid missile. Were you missing a couple of batteries or what?"

"Isn't there a Earth saying which goes 'you can't rush the writing', right?" Rocket asked, as Quill looked confused.

"It's art, dumbass. Who told you it was writing?"

"Sam. I still don't know why him and I are friends. We usually get into fights, I think."

Mantis finished putting Adam to sleep so he was laying on the floor of the Milano. He was about the same size as Drax so they carefully dragged his body to Mantis's room. Once they were there, Mantis agreed that she was going to stay there while the rest would drive the ship.

--New Sanctuary--

Glaive entered the cockpit angrily, which anyone would tell with how he walked and his face expression. He looked ready to kill along with his blade that gives him immortality.

"Where are Dwarf and Supergiant?!" Glaive asked with anger, as every looked at him. Midnight was not present so he could show some of this anger to Ebony.

"I think they arrived." Ebony said, as the two entered through the doorway. "Here they are."

Dwarf and Supergiant looked relaxed, like they had nothing to worry about. Glaive didn't think like that and instead got mad.

"I've been looking for both of you for the past few days. Where have you been? Enjoying life in Sakaar?" Glaive sarcastically said

"We were busy doing trades since you were too lazy to think about us." Dwarf said, as he leaned on one of the chairs.

"What did you say, Dwarf?"

"I said that you are lazy. Just face the truth, Glaive, you are useless without us." Dwarf said, placing his feet on the table.

"Let this fool be an example to all of you who are present." Glaive said, pointing his blade at him. "Let him turn to dust!"

A bolt of lightning struck Dwarf's body as he turned into dust. Ebony was shocked by his decision to kill Dwarf while Supergiant was fine with it. Glaive went up to the chair and wiped the dust off.

"Supergiant, come with me. We need to retrieve something." Glaive said, as they exited the cockpit.

"Alright." Supergiant said, looking at Ebony who was in shock.

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