The Cottage (Amor #4) Excerpt

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Amara watched the sky as she raised a chip to her mouth and crunched on it. They had bought classic fish and chips from the local restaurant. The heavens had grown half overcast since their time in town but it was a beautiful scene for their supper. They watched the slow transition of early evening.

Thor ran his hands through his free hair. Amara noticed his sculpted biceps. He caught her gaze and smirked.

"You need to put those away. Dangerous."

Thor chuckled as he put down his arms. "You're one to talk."

She grinned, turning away to the river. "You ever go swimming there?" She pointed to the river.

Thor looked over. "I've taken little dips. There are some lakes in the New Forest. Nice little swimming places. I can't wait to show you Stonehenge."

"I can't wait to see it. It's crazy that we believe we're so close. Did you ever join with the locals on the summer solstice there?"

Thor laughed as he shook his head. "Only watched. They don't get naked like they do in the movies."

"It's not Woodstock."

"It should be," Thor said as he rose up. He collected the empty wrappings and walked inside. 

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