Chapter 13: Well, What do We Have Here?

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Dick Grayson

Both of us ducked, even though there was nothing flying through the air. Catalina's frappuccino smashed to the pavement. "What was that?" I whispered. Her green eyes were bright and wide.

"Explosion. Over there." I followed the direction her pale finger was pointing. Where most of of Gotham City's abandoned or in use factories were. Before I could stop her, she took of running, her long blonde hair streaming out behind her.

"Shit!" I quickly started to chase after her but she was faster than I had expected. By the time I caught up with her, she was approaching a worn out looking warehouse and eyeing one of the windows. "The hell do you think your doing?" I asked, leaning on my knees, catching my breath. She glanced back at me and her infamous smirk appeared.

"Come on! Where is your sense of curiosity?" Her gaze shifted back to the windows, set high up on the warehouse walls. "Here. Give me a boost." I straightened up and walked towards her.

"Are you sure that's a good idea?" I have to admit. I wanted to know what was going on in the warehouse, (Robin's instinct) but I didn't want Catalina to get hurt. She was just a citizen, despite her amazing job with Freeze in the library. That thought must have been present on my face, because she crossed her arms and gave me a glare.

"Look here, Grayson. I'm a big girl and I can save myself. If we do get into trouble or something, I'll make it up to you." We stared at each other in silence for a few moments before she continued. "Now, give me me a boost up to that window so I can see what going on!!!" She snapped. I held up my hands in defense and walked towards her.

"Ok, ok. Just be more quiet." She grinned smugly as I approached her. She reached her arms up and placed her hands on my shoulders, gripping them tightly. I grabbed her waist and gave her a little boost. The boost moved her up to my shoulders, where she sat with her thighs on either side of my head. We shuffled over to the warehouse wall and she reached up and grasped the window sill.

"Just a little higher." She grunted. I pushed her up a little higher and she grinned as she secured her grip. "Got it." She whispered. She pushed off of me and swung up onto the window. She slid her body in halfway, then twisted around so her top half was leaning out of the window. She extended her hands towards me. "Come on." I gave her a dubious look.

"Are you sure you can lift me?" She gave me a more than usual flirty smirk.

"Just, trust me. Ok?" I didn't answer but I braced on foot against the wall and reached up with one hand. She grasped it with both of her and with surprising strength, she hauled me up the wall. "Ok." She breathed once we were both inside. We both looked around. We were sitting on a metal catwalk that outlined the entire edge of the warehouse. Catalina and I exchanged looks then crept over to the edge of the catwalk were the railing rested. On the ground floor of the warehouse, under the flicking yellow fluorescent lights, was quite a scene. Wooden boxes, ranging from tiny, the size of jewelry boxes, and huge, to the size that much suits would need to move them. Also on the floor were several men in tack gear, armed with guns that were standing around or moving the boxes. On the far back wall was a raised platform with what looked like a- "Is that a throne?" Catalina whispered, her green eyes narrowed to slits as she examined the chair on the platform.

"I think so." I muttered back. There was another explosion on the floor and we both moved back, Catalina flinching. We moved back and as the smoke started to clear, the first thing that was visible was a mass of curly bright red hair. As the smoke got thinner, I could make out a woman in a tight fitting green v-neck with black cargo pants and bright red converse. She had a ring the shape of an M on her middle finger of her right hand and a gun in the holster on her thigh. She kicked the smoking skeleton that was laying at her feet to the side and looked around the room.

"Anyone else have any other complaints?" All of the men in tack gear shook their heads and she grinned. "Good. That's what I like to hear." She had an american accent. She walked over to the throne sat down, kicking her feet up on the armrest and crossing her ankles. She leaned on her elbow and watched the activity around the room with a grin still on her face.

"D-Did she just kill him?" Catalina's face was bloodless and her eyes were fixed on the still smoking body on the warehouse floor. Her muscles were tense to the point she was shaking.

"Are you ok?" I whispered, putting my hand on her back. She didn't answer but continued to shake. Suddenly one of the men dropped a box and the woman shot to her feet.

"Watch it!" She snarled.

"We need to leave." I whispered to Catalina.

"Well, what do we have here?" The man behind us asked.   

Batfamily (1): Black Cub (Dick Grayson x OC)Where stories live. Discover now