Chapter 32: It glared at us for one more second before disappearing into the fog

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Dick Grayson

"I thought you told Brce that you'd investigated all you could." Tim looked at me with nervous energy. I nodded.

"I did tell him that. And it's true. But it never hurts to look at it with another set of eyes." We were back at the warehouse. Tim shrugged.

"Whatever makes you feel better." I winced.

"Did Alfred tell you?" Tim shot me a look.

"Alfred doesn't tell anyone anything. I figured it out on my own." We were silent for a moment before he turned to me. "What happened between you two? If you don't mind me asking." He added, hastily. I scowled.

"We both wanted different things. In the end, she broke up with me in order to protect me from her family. I understand her choice but I'm not happy with it." Tim raised an eyebrow.

"Protect you... from her family?" I nodded, moving toward the silent warehouse.

"They are a lot more dangerous than you think." I didn't give Tim any time to answer. I entered the warehouse and looked up at the whole in the skylight where the furry thing had left through. "Let's investigate the other big boxes. I want to know how many more of those things we're dealing with."

"Uh... yeah. We're not going to have to do that." I looked over at Tim, who was staring at the other two big boxes. "You're going to want to come see this." The other boxes had been torn into and whoever or whatever had been living in them, had been killed. "Were they eaten?" Tim asked, his voice shaking slightly. I took a couple of cautious steps into the box to get a closer look at one of the bodies. I shook my head.

"I don't think so. I think he was just killed." Tim appeared at my side. "Looks like his neck was snapped." Tim crouched down to get a better look at the body.

"Would you go check the other body?" I left the box and entered the other one. This box was more of a wreck than the first one. This person had clearly fought more.

"His neck was snapped too. But it looks like he put up more of a struggle."

"I've got what looks like bite marks over here." I looked over my body.

"Same." Tim's head appeared in the torn hole.

"Didn't you say that whatever busted out of your box was an animal? Or 'animal' like? What if it came back and attacked these two guys?" I considered that.

"But why would it do that? If these two guys are the same thing, why would it attack two other members of the Music Maker's group?" Tim shrugged.

"I wouldn't know. The team doesn't ever really deal with cult like stuff. That would be Damien or your wheelhouse." I raised an eyebrow.

"Why my wheelhouse?" Tim hesitated.

"Because you're older?" I snorted.

"Nice. Good answer." I stepped out of my box and looked between the two boxes. "I'm going to go get my med kit from my bike and then we can get a better idea of what all happened with these guys." Tim nodded and walked with me towards the front doors.

"Are we going to perform an autopsy or just sort of a minor check?"

"Minor check." We walked out of the warehouse and towards my bike. I opened up the back compartment and started rummaging around for the med kit. Tim's hand landed on my shoulder.

"Dick." His voice was tense. I looked up at the woods in front of us. Two blood red eyes were staring at the pair of us. All of Gotham was covered in a fog tonight so it was hard to make out what exactly was looking at us. A deep growl filled the air. Whatever it was, it was big and it was pissed that we were there.

"Don't move." I muttered. Tim followed my order, his blue eyes not leaving the red ones. The thing growled again and I reached for my batons which were hooked to the back of my belt.

"What should we do?" Tim asked. Before I could answer, the fog thinned out and we could finally make out the animal that had been staring us down. It was a large black wolf. It's fur looked similar to the thing that Catalina and I had seen when it busted out of the warehouse. Tim must have been following my train of thought. "Do you think it's here for the bodies?" That made sense. Leave no evidence behind.

"I don't think it planned on us being here."

"I didn't plan on being here." Tim snapped back. The wolf snarled and took a step forward. Both of us responded by pulling our weapons. The wolf flattened it's ears against its skull and pulled back it's lips to show its teeth. Nobody moved. "Why isn't it doing anything?" Tim hissed.

"I don't know." Suddenly the wolf's ears perked up. It glared at us for one more second before disappearing into the fog.

Batfamily (1): Black Cub (Dick Grayson x OC)Where stories live. Discover now