Chapter 27: The Music Note Was Bleeding

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Catalina Kyle
I groaned as Iris jumped onto my back. "No, goblin child. Let me sleep." Iris regarded me skeptically with her gold eyes before pawing at my right shoulder blade. I immediately shot up, wincing. The music note on my shoulder had been throbbing painfully all day long. I gently massaged my shoulder before glaring down at Iris. "I'll let you stay as long as I actually get to sleep." She blinked in answer. I rolled my eyes before reaching over and turning off the light.


Dick was standing a few feet away from me in his robin uniform. I smiled widely and moved toward. "Took you long enough." He called to me. I rolled my eyes and moved to meet him. He wrapped his arms tightly around me and I wrapped my arms around his neck.

    "Sorry. Won't happen again." I purred back. He kissed me roughly and I responded by wrapped my arms tighter around his neck. He pulled away and I felt his hand wind into my hair.

"Don't worry. It won't happen again." I heard the snap of his baton before his fist closed in my hair and jerked me so the solid metal stick slammed into my rib cage. He released me and I hit the ground rolling. Bright red flashes were dancing in front of my eyes and I was gasping. I looked up in time to see the heel of Dick's boot as he kicked my face. I rolled over a few more feet and tried to struggle to get up, to move to do something. I cried out as he seized a handful of my hair again. He crouched down in front of me and his eyes flickered from bright green back to his normal blue. "Why do I love you?" He hissed before slamming my head down. I groaned and felt my blood begin to trickle down my forehead.

What is happening? I was vaguely aware of Dick letting go of my hair and before I could move out of the way, his batons lashed across my ribs again. I hunched down and tried to make myself small so there would be less of me to hit. It didn't stop him from raining down several more good hits. Suddenly Dick took several steps back, panting hard. Slowly, I unwound and got to my feet. I had my arm wrapped around my ribs and I could feel the blood on my face, coming from my hairline and my nose. Dick looked at me shocked.

"Oh my gods, Cat. I don't know what-" I dropped my arms down to my sides and flexed my fingers my claws shot out and he stared at me with a pale face. Rage filled my body and I attacked. I'd never felt so strong before. Like him before me, I was landing some pretty solid blows. Somewhere in the back of my mind, it noticed that it seemed that Dick was blocking slower than I was attack or he couldn't seem to defend himself. It wasn't until I got in a particularly nasty cut, just under his eye that I backed away. Both of us looked at each other. I could see every place were my claws had sliced through his suit and into his skin. I knew he could see every place where his batons had left massive dark bruises. I could also see the Bat. Flickering behind Dick, watching his every move. 

"Do you know?" I whispered under my breath. Across from me, I could see Dick's mouth forming the same words. His eyes weren't on my face either, but someone behind me. I took his moment of distraction to charge him and perform a series of kicks. He was faster this time. Defending himself before grabbing my foot just as it would have connected with his head. He jerked it quickly to the side, cause it to snap.

I woke up with a scream. Pain flashed through my whole body as I tried to clear blood that wasn't there off my face. Iris was watching me with startled eyes. I blinked rapidly to get my eyes to adjust to my dark room. Once my eyes had adjusted I reached over and grabbed my phone from the nightstand. Squinting with one eye while the other was closed, I dimmed my phone's brightness. Opening both eyes, I dialed Dick's number. It didn't even ring once before he answered. "Did you just wake up?" He asked before I could even open my mouth. I swallowed.

"Yeah..." There was silence between us as both of us recall other had done to them.

"Did... you really mean that? What you did to me?" I asked my voice breaking. I heard him catch his breath on the other end.

"No, Cat. I would never do any of that to you. Ever." I felt tears welling up behind my eyes.

"Oh gods, Dick. I thought I had actually hurt you." His voice was calming and comforting.

"No, Cat. I'm fine. Are you ok?" I bit my lip considering if I should really keep going. "I saw Catwoman. She was standing behind you."

"I know." I took a shaky breath. "I saw the Bat. I could also hear this music in my head. The entire time I was fighting you. But not when you were attacking me." My voice caught on the word attack.

"So did I." Both of us lapsed into silence. I was shaking but stopped when I felt something wet on my back. I reached back and brought my hand to the light. The music note was bleeding.

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