Chapter 47: Excuse me, bitch, but that's my boyfriend

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Dick Grayson

It was weird to see wolf eyes in a human face. The person in question was a tall woman with wild black hair, a muscular body tucked into a closed black leather vest, black leather pants and leather thigh high boots. But her snarling red wolf eyes were the most distracting. "She told me you would be coming. Drop your weapons." Conner snarled and flexed his arms.

"Like you would be able to stop us." The woman snarled back and it sounded too animal for my preference.

"Conner, don't." I studied her. "You're the wolf, aren't you?" She grinned wolfishly.

"My name is Gnawbone. And if you're smarter than you look, you'll drop your weapons and come with me." Around us, the men she had hiding stepped out, all of them with their guns drawn and trained on us. Gnawbone chuckled and barred her teeth. "You don't have many other options, unless you just want to die now." Everyone was tense, watching everyone else for a move. Gnawbone was just watching me.

"Fine." I spat.

"What?" Conner growled. I glared at Gnawbone. She gestured to my belt and batons.

"Lose them." Kaldur and I dropped our weapons and Gnawbone began to lead us towards the warehouse while most of the guards, but two who stayed behind to grab the weapons, kept their guns trained on us. "She's been expecting you." Gnawbone said over her shoulder.

"How did she know?" Wally whispered to me. I shook my head.

"Because she's crazy." The warehouse had every single light on and was crawling with armed men. Gnawbone jerked her head toward one in particular.

"Tie them up. Last thing she wants right now is to have these kids ruin this." The man turned around and I realized it was the guy with the gold tooth from the first time I'd been in the warehouse. He didn't know it was me though. He held up a pair of handcuffs and grinned.

"Whose first?" Cuffs were put on all of us except for Conner who had a pair of large metal gloves that were fused together. Once it was done, Gnawbone led us deeper into the warehouse, toward where the Music Maker's throne was. She was sitting sprawled out and looking smugly bored. Her grin widened when we saw us.

"Ah! You finally made it. So glad. I thought you were going to miss my final performance. Not that I should have really worried, Gnawbone said she could smell you coming." Gnawbone barred her teeth in a smile. I scowled.

"Final Performance?" Music Maker waved a hand dismissively and swung her body to the side so her feet were on the floor.

"For this tour anyway. Once everyone else gets my little gifts, then I will most definitely be back. Gotham's been a fun little town."

"What gifts are you talking about?" Wally asked. Music Maker smirked and winked at me.

"Oh, Robin knows what I'm talking about. He knows very well what I'm talking about." The team members shot me glances but I didn't pay any attention. Music Maker held my gaze for a second as she walked down the platform and stood in front of me. Then she pulled the badly damaged and burned necklace out of her pocket. "These... are my precious gifts to the citizens of Gotham." She twisted the necklace around in her fingers and studied it. "How is that pretty little cat without her beautiful, guilty, memories?" My vision went red and I lashed out, slamming into the Music Maker and ripping the necklace out of her hand. "No!" She cried and scuffled to try and get it back. But I twisted around and tossed it towards Conner. Luckly, he understood. He brought the heel of his foot down on the necklace and it shattered, along with the small chunk of concrete under Conner's foot. Gnawbone tackled Conner, putting him in a headlock while other guards grabbed the other members. The Music Maker's forearm landed on my throat and her glowing green eyes bored into me. "Oh, I hope that was worth it. She may be free now but at what cost?" She forced her forearm father against my throat. "You and the rest of your silly little team are going to die and she won't even be here to watch. Why did you want to ruin everything?" I shrugged as much as I could and mustered up a smirk.

"Just a fun idea, I guess. Doesn't matter much now, though does it? Cat will remember everything and I seriously doubt that you'll be able to kill us. Too much dumb luck on our parts." Wally cracked a grin and Kaldur nodded towards me. The Music Maker hissed in anger and frustration.

"Once I've killed you, I'm going to hunt down that pesky little bitch and make sure she knows what happened to you." She leaned her face closer to mine. "Or maybe, I'll steal all of your memories." A very familiar female voice sounded from above us.

"Excuse me, bitch, but that's my boyfriend."

//She's back!!! I'm so happy!!! I hope you guys have a good and SAFE holiday this week if you celebrate it! See you next week for the next chapter!

Much love,


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