Chapter 41: Fucking ominous, thanks

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Catalina Kyle

I may not have been remembering anything from my life, but I was damn sure I'd never flown in a private jet. My trio of Bruce, Dick and Selina had gotten me discharged from the hospital then the next thing I knew was they bundled me into the jet and we were in the air. Nobody spoke much during the flight. In fact, nobody really spoke until we landed in Japan and we arrived at the place that was supposed to help me. Three women were standing at the top of the stairs of the shrine. They all looked asian but their skin tones ranged from pale white to rich brown and somewhere in between. Selina narrowed her eyes at the women.

"They're the ones who are going to help?" Bruce nodded.

"Yes. They know what they are doing and they've promised to do their best." Selina snorted. Dick rolled his eyes and wrapped his arm around my shoulders.

"Lets go before they get into it again." He muttered under his breath. I smirked but as I looked back up at the three women, my skin felt like it was starting to crawl. All three women were looking at me and no one else. As we got closer, one of the women, the one with the darkest skin, leaned over and whispered something to the woman with the lightest skin. The woman with the light skin, who was dressed in a pale pink and white sun covered kimono with her black hair pulled back into a bun with a brown comb, nodded. I swallowed hard.

"I don't know if this is a good idea." I whispered to Dick. He looked at me.

"Are you ok? You're super pale." I shuddered slightly.

"It feels like they're looking into my soul." We made it to the step under where the three women were standing and stopped. They bowed low and from the waist.

"Welcome, Catalina Kyle. We've been expecting you." I bowed back slightly even though it felt like ants were crawling all over my body.

"Thank you." That's all I could manage to get out. The dark skinned woman, who was dressed in an orange and blue kimono, with her hair loose around her shoulders and a large white scar covering half her face, studied me.

"You must have had a long flight. Please allow me to show you to your room so you may rest." She nodded her head towards the other two women. "Nikkō and Hoshi will make sure that your companions are taken care of." Dick unwrapped his arm from my shoulder though I really wished he hadn't. Something in the back of my mind was screaming at me not to be alone with these women. The woman turned around and muttered something in japanese to the tan skinned woman, who was dressed in a salmon and lavender star covered kimono and her brown hair cut into a bob under her ears. Salmon nodded and her brown eyes bored into me. I was so busy staring at her, that I didn't realize my guide was already moving.

"Please follow Gekkō. She'll look after you." Salmon said. I turned and hurried after Gekkō, who was moving swiftly down a wooden hallway. She didn't say anything until she stopped outside of a screen. She slid the screen back and then took a step back so I could see into the room. It had a bamboo mat flooring, a single bed, a dresser and another sliding screen door on the opposite wall.

"Please, step inside." Gekkō said, watching me closely. I edged along the doorway then stepped down into the room. I moved into the middle of the room and looked around then jumped when I realized that Gekkō was right behind me.


"I didn't mean to scare you. Pardon my observation, but you seem... uneasy." I chuckled nervously and rubbed my right shoulder blade.

"Yeah. This is all kind of weird and new to me so... it's kinda nerve racking." Gekkō looked deep into my eyes and nodded.

"I see. Well in that case, I will leave you alone and send one of your companions in with your luggage." She nodded at the dresser. "There are some robes in there, if you wish to go to sleep now. The bathroom is to the left. We will probably begin treatment first thing tomorrow. I will discuss with my sisters and we will let you know." She bowed and turned to leave.

"Thank you." I called after her. She stopped at the doorway, with one of her hands on the sliding screen door. She studied my face then shook her head slightly.

"Don't thank me yet, Ms Kyle. You may not like the time to come." With that message delivered, she closed the screen door and I heard her footsteps moving back down the hall. The further away she got, the less my skin itched. I sat down carefully on the edge of the bed and continued to rub my shoulder blade. I stood up again and moved into the bathroom. There was a mirror, which I was looking for. I pulled off my leather jacket and looked at my shoulder. The perfectly shaped music note was still there. What had Gekkō said? "You may not like the time to come." I sighed and looked at myself. "Fucking ominous, thanks." 

//Hey guys. So, quick side note, for the girls names I used google translate so if they don't translate correctly PLEASE LET ME KNOW!!! 

On another note, I have unfortunately not made any progress with writing the last three chapters and I am going on an extended hiatus. You guys still have three or four chapters left for me to post that I have already posted so there's still something. I've been struggling mentally again and my school is making the stupid decision to send us all back in person after only two weeks of online school. I promise I will try and get back on track so I can finish this book for you guys but I make no promises. 

Much love, 


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