Chapter 19: That didn't answer my question

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Dick Grayson

"She certainly did a number on your face." Jason Todd leaned on the back of a couch and took a drag on his cigarette. I rolled my eyes.

"She didn't touch my face, Jason." He nodded.

"I know. But you were still knocked out by a girl who only weights like what, 120, 130?" Damien Wayne snorted and crossed his arms.

"That's because Grayson lacks proper training." Bruce raised an eyebrow. Damien noticed the look and returned it.

"Ok..." Tim Drake looked between the two Waynes. "This isn't why we're here. We're here to talk about how to handle the Music Maker and Black Cub.

"Not about whether or not Dick needs more training." Barbara Gordon added. I shot her a look.

"Thanks." Bruce nodded.

"That's right. I've briefed you all on Dick's encounter with Music Maker and our encounter with Black Cub. Is there any new information after your encounter with her this evening?" Everyone turned to look at me. I thought about it as I held an ice pack to my ribs.

"She's not like Catwoman. She didn't look to hurt me. She took the option that shouldn't kill me." Jason reached over and stamped his cigarette out in an ashtray that Alfred had provided as soon as Jason arrived.

"Except for the whole, trying to choke you out with a stolen bracelet thing." I shook my head.

"That's just the thing. She said herself she wasn't looking to kill me. She just wanted me to pass out."

"Why didn't you use something to get her off of you?" Tim asked. If Damien had asked, it would have been full of malice. Tim was genuinely curious.

"She used her legs to lock up my arms so I couldn't really do anything." Jason chuckled and leaned forward against the back of the couch.

"And how was that, Grayson?" I glared at him and opened my mouth to fire but an answer but Bruce interrupted.

"Now is not the time, Jason. So, Black Cub is different from Catwoman. Catwoman doesn't fight to kill either but to wound. But from what is sounds like, Black Cub doesn't do that." Damien scoffed.

"I think Grayson can handle Black Cub. We really should be focusing on Music Maker." Tim shrugged helplessly.

"What can we really do about it though? Dick's only run into her once and none of the rest of us have even seen her." Jason shook his head.

"That's not true. Selina's kid, the Kyle girl. She saw her." Once again, all eyes turned to me. I nodded and set the ice pack on the coffee table.

"Catalina did see her, but we can't really use her for help. We can't risk bringing civilians into something this dangerous. Plus, I can't talk to her about it without risking my identity being revealed." Jason shrugged.

"So? Talk to her as Robin. Then you don't risk your identity." Barbara shook her head.

"Are we positive that Selina will let Dick get that close to Catalina as Robin?" Bruce laced his fingers together and rested it against his chin.

"We aren't positive. Selina probably wouldn't let Dick get that close if she knows he talking to Catalina. You'll have to make this as private as possible." I blinked as I realized what they were saying.

"Wait, so you want me to practically stalk Catalina to see if she has any information on a super villain that we don't know anything about?" Jason nodded.

"Way to sum up, Grayson." I shook my head.

"That's nuts. Not to mention, it could put Catalina in danger." Damien rolled his eyes.

"Just do as you're told, Grayson. She's just a girl." Everyone else from the bat family turned to look at him.

"That's not how we think, Damien." Bruce's deep voice carried annoyed undertones. "Your first thought should have been for Catalina safety." Damien stood up and brushed nonexistent dust off the front of his turtleneck.

"Keep me updated on Grayson's practice. I have an early flight back to school tomorrow." With that, he stalked out of the room and up the large staircase. Barbara sighed and stood up.

"My dad is waiting for me. I'll see you at school tomorrow, Dick." Jason also straightened up.

"I'll give you a ride. I'm out on my own patrol for the rest of the night." They left and Tim looked between Bruce and I.

"Is this the best idea?" Bruce didn't move.

"It's the only idea." Tim shook his head as he also stood up.

"That didn't answer my question." 

Batfamily (1): Black Cub (Dick Grayson x OC)Where stories live. Discover now