A/N: An Update

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Hey guys. I'm here to tell you that I fully plan on releasing an update for this story as soon as I can. But, recently, a friend of mine discouraged my writing and I'm questioning a lot right now. I promise that I'll update as soon as I can but I need to get back into a better mind space before I do. I want to give you guys the best work that I can. But it was really hurtful and made me question a lot to have someone that close to mean, basically tell me I'm no good at this. Writing has been my form of escape for the past four years and with those thoughts in my head, it makes it hard to actually work on anything. I love you guys so much and I'm so happy that this book has gotten so many reads recently. I'll be back as soon as I can, but just bare with me until I get there. I love you guys, thanks.

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