Chapter 10: The City That Never Sleeps

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     Chase slowly took a step forward, as his boot sank into the mud that the melting snow left behind. He continued to slowly walk, as the walkers around him walked beside him. not seeming to mind him. It had been 3 weeks since the beginning of the end, and the cuts on Chase's eye had healed into a scar. He continued to walk his way through New York, as the walkers gave him a way of transportation in a sense. It was a type of mutual relationship. They kept him hidden and got him places, and he protected them. If they saw anyone, he would kill them, keeping the group on a course to the city. He didn't have a goal or an objective in this new and broken world, all he knew was to walk now, to keep moving and not to stop. He had been walking along the highway for a while, making his way to the big apple, the city that never sleeps. He finally began to see the city from afar, as the group of walkers he was with grew larger as they walked. They finally made it into the streets of the city, seeing no one in sight. The whole place looked empty. Glass laid in the street and sidewalk from the windows of the buildings, along with scorch marks across the sides of the skyscrapers. 
     Suddenly, a group of military soldiers turned the corner and flooded the street. They have large assault rifles in hand, along with the military suits and helmets. They quickly raised their guns up to the swarm of walkers, as Chase's eyes widened. They suddenly began shooting into the crowd, as all the walkers began to fall around Chase. He quickly turned and ran out of the crowd and down an alley way between buildings, as the rest of the walkers fell.

"We got a runner!" One of the soldiers yelled, as 3 of them ran after Chase.

Chase sprinted down the alley way, as the soldiers behind him began to shoot him, aiming at the ground beneath him, trying to shoot his feet. Chase continued to run, as he then turned left and found himself out in the street again. He turned around, seeing the soldiers were still chasing him, as he began to run again down the road. Shots began to burst behind him, as suddenly a sharp pain shot into the back of his thigh. He fell into the street, as he tried to catch himself. He put his hand on the back of his thigh holding down the wound, as he turned himself over and looked up at the sun. The soldiers caught up to him, as one of them hit him across the face with the back of his gun. 

Chase opened his eyes, as he squinted from the bright light in-front of his face. He tried to move his arms but they were tied behind the chair he was sitting in. He began to move around trying to get himself free, but the pain in his thigh overcame him.

"He's awake, Sir." A voice said from behind the light, as his eyes adjusted to the light.

A man slowly walked up, pulling up a chair in-front of his as he sat down in it.

Chase glared at the man, as the right side of his face was red from getting hit.

"My name is Jensen, and you are?" The man asked as he waited for Chase to respond, but didn't get one. "I don't want to have hurt you, but if you don't tell me what you were doing in a restricted zone, you're going to leave me no choice."

A man suddenly came into the tent and yelled, "Sir!"

Jensen turned in his chair, looking at the man. "They're back." He said.

Jensen stood up, as he looked down at Chase. "I'll be back for you." He said as he turned and walked to the doorway. "Watch him." He said to the guard as he walked out.

Chase looked at the man who stood by the door, as gunshots began to blast outside the tent. Suddenly, a man came into the tent. He was tall with long dark brown hair, along with a rugged looking outfit, which had blood smeared over it. He raised his pistol, and pointed it at the guard's head, pulling the trigger, as blood exploded onto the side of the tent. The man stood there, holding the pistol as he turned his attention to Chase. 

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