chapter 4

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Bill had not let go of Rose's hand once since Eddie told him he didn't want to do this. Bill always felt this source of protection around Rose. Like he always felt As though he was safe and happy with her. As they went to gather around the injured boy, Rose pulled Bill aside.

"I don't care what they say, I'm staying with you and helping you look. We are going to look and were going to find him." Rose said as she leaned close to him.

He held both of her hands in his and stared at them.

"I don't know what I'd do without you Rose. Thank you for sticking with me. you've been with me since day 1 and I don't know how to thank you."

Rose was warmed at his saying, but something distracted her. Her eyes widened and gave him another kiss on the cheek.

He glanced down at the floor and mumbled "w-what was that for?"

"Because you didn't stutter at all."

Her face broke out into a smile and she reached on her tip toes, and wrapped her arms around his neck and he wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her close to him. Bill smiled into her hair as he enjoyed the warmth that was spreading through his body.

"Come on lovers! We got a boy spraying blood like a sprinkler over here " Stanley yelled at the two.

They let go and headed over to the rest of the group. The boy sat on the back of Bills bike and Richie led the way through the woods.

Eddie went on about how the new kid was bleeding and went on about AIDS.

"HOW DO THEY AMPUTATE A WAIST" was all Rose understood out of how fast Eddie was talking. Bill helped the new kid sit down on a wooden crate.

"Richie, Rose, wait here. Well be right back." Bill said as the other 3 ran off.

"Glad I got to meet you before you died." Richie starts. Rose rolled her eyes and hit him in the stomach with her arm. The kid looked up at him with his face practiaclly saying 'what the fuck'

"Don't mind him. I'm Rose Joseph." She stuck her hand out waiting for him to shake it.

"I'm Ben Hanscom." He grasped her hand and shook it.

"I'm Richie, the hottest guy on earth. Well not in Roses perspective."

"Shut up Richie!"

Ben looked at Rose confused and Richie decided to go on about her little crush on Bill.

"She is head over heels for Bill, you know, the one who's bike you road on. She wishes she could ride his bike all night long." He gave her a wink.

Groaning, she begin pacing as she waited for the boys to come back. After 10 minutes of pacing, the boys finally came running back with the supplies.

"Richie can you go get my bifocals? They're in my second fanny pack."

Rose snorted and asked "why the hell do you have two fanny packs?"

"Long story."

The boys were talking quickly to each other.

Eddie gasped "oh god he's bleeding."

Rose whipped his head towards Ben.

"Richie do not fucking say he has to suck the wound. If you say that one more time you'll the one sucking the wound." She said as she thumped him across the head.

Bevedly walked towards the ally and immediately smiled when she saw Rose.

"Hey Rose!" She gave Rose a quick hug.

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