chapter 12

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Everyone rounded the corner to see Bill talking to 'Georgie.' Rose covered her mouth as she let out a cry at the sight of young kid with one arm, and in the hand holding the boat Bill made him. Richie supportivly wrapped his arm around her as she cried quietly in her hands.

"I wanna go home." 'Georgie' began to cry, Bill was sniffling and letting tears drip from his eyes. "I miss You! I wanna be with mom and dad! I wanna be with you and Rose!" He cried out. Rose squeezed her eyes shut even harder and had to turn around. She knew it was the clown but to hear his voice after so long hurt her. To see him with one arm petrified her as to what happened when he first went missing.

"I want more than anything for you to be home with Mom and dad and me and Rose. I miss you so much." Bill walked closer to him.

"I love you Billy."

"I love you too." He took a deep breath and held up the gun to 'Georgies' head causing the little kid to whimper in fear.

"But you're not Georgie." And with that, he pulled the trigger. A hole formed on his head as he fell onto his back. The room was quiet except for the sound of panting and a sizzle from the gun. The body laid there until it began to shake drastically. Everyone got their weapons ready as little Georgie turned into the clown-fuck "It"

It let out demonic growls as its arms grew, it's legs got longer and sprouted pointy shoes with puff balls on top. It wiggled around until the lower half of Gerogie was in the clowns outfit.

It stood up, his bones and joints cracking as it did before, causing Rose to cringe. "Kill it Bill! Kill it!" Eddie was screaming out. All at once everyone yelled at Bill to kill it.

Mike had a face that said, 'oh shit' he looked around. "It's not loaded."
Bill pulled the trigger back and was prepared to shoot.

He shot the gun, no bullet making contact with the clown, only a puff of air which made the skin of it begin to crack. The clown stumbled slightly as blood flew from the crack into the air.

"What the fuck"

The clown yelled in anger, shaking it's head to heal the wound. It leaped up, the group took cover but it only landed on Bill, he used the gun to protect his body from being bitten.

"Bill!" Everyone cried out.

Beverly ran up with a metal spike, but it ripped it out of her hands. Rose came up with an umbrella she found in the pile of junk, the clown swung it's arm, hitting her in the chest causing her to fly across the room.

Mike attempted the same thing but got knocked into the pile of junk. Bill had a steel pipe and clamped it in the clowns mouth while he was on its back.

Richie jumped on top of the clown with Bill, Ben bit at one of its hand, the other hand contained Stanley in its grip. One by one the clown began taking everyone down.

Rose sat up against the wall and attempted to stand up. She gripped her head as she focused her eyes on her friends. Running towards her group, she put herself in front of Eddie so his arm didn't get more injured.

  It tore everyone off of its body, it got Bill in a headlock. "Bill no!" Rose screamed out.

"No. Don't! Let him go!" Beverly said sternly as everyone maintained their ground.

It's eyes turned the shade of firey red/Orange. "No. I'll take him. I'll take all of you! And I'll feast on your flesh as I read on your fear." The clown smirked as it pulled Bills head closer to his chest.

"Oorrr, you'll just leave us be." It gripped Bills face harder, causing it to change to a crimson color. "I will take him. Only him. Then I will have my long rest, and you will all live to grow and thrive and lead haaaapppyy lives. Until old age takes you back to the weeds."

Eddie shook behind Rose, she pulled him into a side hug and wiped a tear from her face. She couldn't do this without Bill. She needed him more than ever.

"L-leave. I-im the one that dragged you all into this. I'm s-s-so sorry." Bill choked out, his eyes watering from the pain.

Rose attempted to run to Bill, but Stanley held her back.

"We're not leaving you Bill." She choked on her words.

"Guys, we can't." Beverly said.

"I told you Bill. I fucking told you. I don't want to die. It's your fault. You punch me in the face, you made me walk through shitty water, you brought me to a fucking crackhead house, and now..." Richie pulled out a metal bat out of the junk.

"... I'm gonna have to kill this fucking clown." It dropped Bill to the ground.

"WELCOME TO THE LOSERS CLUB ASSHOLE!" It growled and ran towards Richie, but he took one swing hitting the clown right in the face.

Mike swung next with the steel pole, but arms erupted from the clowns mouth and grabbed on to it, voices coming from the inside were crying out his name.

Stanley grabbed an axe and chopped the arms off. Richie hit the clown over the head and it's face transformed into the woman from the painting Stanley feared. Charging at him, he hit the clown with the axe.

Ben had impaled it's body, the clowns head turned backwards and morphed into a mummy, the gauze wrapping around Bens head.

One by one everyone used a weapon to hit the clown like a piñata. Rose used her strength and brought her bat down, making the clowns face come in contact with the ground. It gasped for air and began coughing, now changing into Eddie's leper.

It vomited some substance onto Eddie himself. With rage rushing through his veins he screamed out "I'M GONNA KILL YOU!" Kicking it in the face, knocking him over once more.

It fell to the ground, it's face was an exact copy of Bills, expect he had a slit throat and blood gushing out of his mouth. "R-rose. You d-d-didnt save me.." Rose nodded her head 'no' and swung her bat up, colliding instantly with the clown.

Bending over, this time the face of the clown was now Beverlys father. His disgusting smirk was placed on its face as Beverly stood there with her metal pipe.

"Hey Bevy. Are you still my little-" Beverlys scream cut the clown off, she shoved the metal pole down its throat. It let out gargled breaths, but spit the lile back out. It began thrashing on the ground as it pushed itself against the wall.

The sinister clown took a deep breath showed another horrendous smile, then back into a blank face.

"That's why you didn't kill Rose or Beverly. Cause t-t-they weren't afraid. And we aren't either. Not anymore. Now you're the one that's afraid. Because you're gonna starve." Bills voice was strained, but he proudly stood his ground.

The clown flipped itself halfway into what seemed to be another well. It  began to mutter the saying Bill uses, "he thrusts his fists against the posts and still insists he sees the ghosts."

Stanley handed Bill a pipe, but before he could use it, the clowns head began to fracture and break, the pieces floating to the top.

The last word it said was "fear" before it let go of the ledge and fell into the pit of darkness. Everyone gathered around the well, everyone taking deep breaths.

"I know what I'm doing for my summer experience essay." Richie breathed out. Rose let out a small laugh as Bill clasped his hand around hers.

"Guys.." Eddie let out a small gasp. "The kids are floating down." Everyone looked up to see all the bodies gently float down.

Bill spotted a bright yellow coat that stood out from everything else. Rose let go of his hand and let him walk over to it. He crouched down and picked it up.

Georgie Denbrough was written on the tag. Bill began to sob as everyone gathered around him. Richie and Eddie gave him a hug, everyone began to join in as they comforted him.

They all stayed there for a while as Bill clutched onto the only thing left of his brother, the last thing Gerogie wore before he was taken.

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