chapter 5

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Rose got little sleep last night, she would sleep for a few minutes then wake up, checking her surroundings. As soon as the sun came up, she splashed cold water on her face in attempt to wake up. She made herself a hot cup of coffee also to try to boost her energy.

She tried to find the papers that were scattered across the floor, but there was no trace of them anywhere. She gripped at her hair and slightly pulled, she felt as though she was going insane.

There was a delicate knock on her front door. Rose almost dropped the mug she held onto the floor as her breath hitched in her throat. Slowly walking to the door, she looked out the peephole. To her relief it was just Bill. She unlocked the door and invited him in, she excused herself as she went to go change into some actual clothes.

(Another time skip to when they get to the quarry.)

The guys scurried off their bikes and began to take their clothes off, only leaving them in their underwear. They proceeded to have a contest to see who can hock a loogie off the cliff the furthest. Rose began to undress starting with her shorts, then tank top, only leaving her in her bra and underwear.

She watched as the boys all claimed they spit the farthest. Richie claiming he won but Eddie thought completely different. Eddie began complaining because he thought the loogie involves mass, it's color, shit like that. She smiled as she wondered to herself how she got so lucky to be friends with these dorks.

As they continued, Bev appeared from the trees. Rose turned to her and Bev smiled at her.

Rose mouthed, "you swimming?" She nodded and began to undress as well. Rose and Beverly stood there laughing quietly as the boys continued to argue.

Rose noticed her hair was short, she motioned with her hands, pointing her index finger to her hair.

Beverly mouthed to the girl, "It's nothing."

Rose nodded her head, but didnt believe her friend. Beverly had no intention of telling her friend on why she had cut her hair.

"Who's going first?" Bill asked staring below them.

"We'll go" Bev called out bringing the boys attention to them.

Ben's eyes were glued on Beverly the whole time. He was infatuated with the red head that stood infront of him.

Bill had his eyes fixated on Rose and only on Rose. For that moment, he felt as though it was only he and Rose. He forgot about the others and only focused on the girl who had his heart.

Richie, Stanley, and Eddie had both been staring at the 2 girls, solely for the purpose of actually seeing a girl in their undergarments.

Beverly held Rose's hand as the two of them began to jog towards the end of the cliff.

"Sissies" the two girls say at the same time.

They jumped off the cliff still holding hands as Richie yelled "WHAT THE FUCK!"

They shouted in enjoyment as they free fell into the water.

Rose and Bev swam to the surface laughing and stared up at the guys.

"Come on guys! Don't be pussies!" Rose yelled, cupping her hands around her mouth so it would echo.

"Guys. We just got showed up by a girl - two girls." Richie groaned.

Rose gave Bev a highfive and laughed as the boys stared at them again. One by one the boys jumped and landed in the water with the girls.

Rose just floated for a little bit just enjoying the sun and cool water, that is until someone slammed their fists into the water causing a splash to roll over her body.

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