chapter 6

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At Bill's house, he had fallen asleep next to a sketch of Rose he had drawn in a sketch book. Her nose curved slightly, a small smirk was drawn on her lips. Her chocolate brown hair casually laid on her shoulders. Bill had strong feeling for her, clearly. He wanted to call her his so badly, and he promised himself one day it would happen.

___________ Next Day _________

Rose woke up to a note tapped to her forehead. "Had to go in early, be home around 12. Love you hunny! Xoxo-mom."

She sighed as she pushed herself to roll out of bed. She pushed a little to hard because she had fallen flat on her face. Rose groaned in pain, her slur of curse words being mumbled due to her face still burried on the carpet.

She got a call from Beverly at around 10 a.m.

"Rose, get down here now. I need to show you something." Without saying another word, Beverly hung up.

Rose gathered her belongings and made her way to her bike. She peddled down to the apartment complex.

She arrived to the complex, as did Stanley, Eddie, Ben, Bill and Richie. The boys already voted Richie as the one who would stay outside incase her dad came home.

They made their way up the fire escape and into Beverly's apartment. They rounded the corner into the bathroom. Rose gasped as they walked into it, it was covered in blood from the ceiling to the floor, every single inch.

"My dad couldn't see it. I thought I might be crazy." Ben grabbed Beverlys hand.

"well if you're crazy, then we're all crazy." He went to let go but she kept her grasp on it. "We c-c-cant leave it like this."

Everyone got to work as they scrubbed and wiped the bloody bathroom clean. Rose helped Bill pour the buckets of bloody water down the drain.

Beverly helped Ben take the garbage out. Rose turned on a little bit of water to rinse away the remainder of the blood, flicking the clean water at Bill. She chuckled as he stood there for a second, processing what she did.

"You're such a loser." She joked as he admired how she looked in the light coming from the window.

He chuckled as he slapped a wet towel across her stomach, causing the fabric of her shirt to stick to her skin. The 2 laughed at how lame they were, but enjoyed the fact they could both make each other smile at a time like this.

"Well if I'm a loser, then so are you." She smiled as she said "I can take that."

As they finished cleaning, Richie was riding in a circle on his bike.

"You know, I love being a personal doorman. Could you guys have taken any longer?!"

"Shut the fuck up Richie." Rose said as she rolled her eyes. It seemed as though that was her natural reaction to talking to Richie.

"Yeah yeah trash the trash mouth. Hey I wasn't the one scrubbing the bathroom and imagining that her sink went all Eddie's mom's vagina on Halloween."

"S-she didn't imagine it though." Bill began.

"I s-saw something too." His grip on his bike handle bars tightened to the point where the group could see the whites of his knuckles.

"You saw blood too?" Stanley asked confused.

"Not blood... I saw G-geor-georgie."

Rose bit her lip and accompanied Bill's left side, placing her hand on top of his which was still clutching his handle bars. He softened his grip at her touch.

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