chapter 7

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"Thanks guys, but you shouldn't have done that. They'll be after you guys too now." Mike said as they all walked in a straight line down the hill.

"Oh no no, Bowers, he's always after us."

Rose smiled as Bill goes, "I guess that's o-o-one thing we all have in common."

Rose patted Mike on the back, "yeah homeschool, welcome to the losers club."

The group walked back towards town, stopping in an alley due to a parade getting in their way.

Everyone gathered around a 'MISSING' poster of Edward Corcoran. A gust of wind forced itself through the air, causing Rose's hair to fly forward into her face and out to the side.

Bill swiftly pulled her aside from the group, running his fingers through her hair to fix it. Rose's eyes never left his face, the amount of concentration made her smile. His tongue lightly poked out, eyes squinted as he flattened her hair.

He patted loose hairs down and ran his hands through her hair one last time, his face now breaking out into a smile. Rose grabbed Bills face in between her hands and lightly smushed it.

"You're too adorable." He looked down at the ground and said, " shut up." Rose released Bills face, but they kept the closeness of their bodies together. Attempting to close the distance, Bill moved forward, his nose slightly touching hers.

Richie had yelled "what the fuck!" after arguing with a marching band member, instantly causing the two to pull apart quickly

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Richie had yelled "what the fuck!" after arguing with a marching band member, instantly causing the two to pull apart quickly. They hid the pink shade on their faces by looking down and going back to the rest of the group.

Bill lifted up the poster to see another MISSING paper, this one having Betty Ripsoms name and picture on it.

"It's like she's been forgotten because Edwards missing."

"Is it ever going to end" Stanley asked.

Eddie walked to the group with 2 ice creams in his hand. "What I miss?"

"Well, I just cussed out a tuba player and told him to suck my dick. A new kid is missing. And Bill and Rose went off probably to have a quickie."

Rose rolled her eyes for the thousandth time at Richie. She walked over to Eddie and asked to have one of the ice creams.

He handed her one and she walked over to Richie.

"Sweet, ice cream on a hot day, with hot girls." Richie had a big smirk on his face

She pulled his shirt colar towards her and dropped the whole icecream into the space between his shirt and skin.

"I GOT FROSTBITE ON MY NIPPLES" Richie yelped as he jumped around. Stan and Eddie gave her a fist bump. Mike laughed in amusement as Richie danced around.

"I actually think it will end. For a little while at least." Ben continued the convorsation from before.

"What do you mean?" Bev asked him.

"So I was going over all my Derry research, and I charted out all the big events. The iron works explosion in 1908. The Bradley gang in '35, and the black spot in '62 and now kids being.." Ben trailed off as he Bev pulled him close to her.

"I realized this stuff seems to happen every-"

Ben was cut off by Bill. "27 years."

Everyone began walking, Bev, Ben, and Mike leading the way, behind them were Bill, Richie, Stanley, Eddie and Rose. They all sat at a bench at a park.

"Okay so let me get this straight. It comes out from where ever and eats kids for like, a year? and then what? Does it just go into hibernation?" Eddie rambled.

"Maybe it's like cicadas. You know, the bugs that come out every 17 years." Stanley offered the idea.

Mike spoke up, "my grandfather thinks this town is cursed. He says that all the bad things that happen in this town are because of one thing. An evil thing, that feeds off the people of Derry."

Everyone watched intently as Mike spoke. Rose sat next to Eddie, she clenched her fists as she tried taking a deep breath. Eddie placed his hand over hers to calm her down. Rose thought of Eddie as a brother, same goes to Richie and Stanley.

"But it can't be one thing. We all saw something different." Stanley whimpered, as his voice making a small cracking sound.

"Maybe. Or maybe it knows what scares us most and that's what we see."

Eddie spoke up, "I-I saw a leper. He-he was like a walking infection."

"But you didnt. Because it isn't real. None of this is. Not Eddie's leper, or Bill seeing Georgie."

Rose snapped at him "Oh so what? Are we all fucking tripping on acid? What Stanley? What is it then?"

"No Rose I'm not saying that, but the women I keep seeing isn't real."

Richie asked "is she hot?"

Rose reached across the circle and flicked him on the forehead. Stanley looked at him with a 'what the fuck' look.

"No Richie! Shes not hot! Her face is all messed up. None of this makes any sense. They're all like bad dreams."

"I don't think so. I know the difference between a bad dream and real life, okay?"

"I agree with Mike." Rose continued, Beverly mumbled a 'yeah' as she rubbed her temples.

"What'd you see?" Eddie asked Mike.

"You guys know that burnt down house on Harris Avenue? I was inside when it burnt down. Before I was rescued, my mom and dad were trapped in the next room over from me. They were pushing and pounding on the door, trying to get to me. But it was too hot. When the firemen finally found them, the skin on their hands had melted down to the bone." Mike took a few seconds to catch his breath and hold back his tears.

Rose reached across from her and gave his hand a tight squeeze, in reassurance to show that it'll be okay.

"We're all afraid of something."

"You got that right." Richie cringed as he saw a clown on stage.

"What are you afraid of Rich?" Beverly asked.


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