chapter 11

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While this happened, Eddie had noticed both Rose and Stanley were not with the group. Bill flipped his shit even more now that 3 of his best friends were missing, one of them being the girl he loves.

The group ran through tunnels calling Stanley, Beverly and Roses name, but none of them responded. They heard yelling, following it to find a lady with a disturbing head shape and face gnawing on Stanley's face. Her head was long, she had multiple rows of sharp teeth.

Bill ran through the sewers when he saw a familiar lemon yellow raincoat Gerogie wore last. He stumbled into the room with the mountain of belonging, and where Rose and Beverly were trapped in.

Bill saw the two girls dangling in the air and ran towards them. "Rose! Beverly!"

He jumped and he jumped but he still could not reach either one of them. Meanwhile Rose and Beverly were sucked into what seemed like a tunnel of darkness. Their bodies were completely paralyzed. Rose heard Bill calling her name, and she wanted to shout his name, but she couldn't.

Mike, Ben, Stanley, Richie, and Stanley found the 2 girls floating in the air. "Oh my god Bev? Rose?" Each one chimed in but got no response.

Ben whimpered quietly to himself to see Beverly so helpless and lifeless. Bill was pacing back and forth not knowing how to feel. Why didn't he realize she was gone? He blamed himself, thinking about how could've saved her. She would be with him right there.

"H-how are they in the air?" Richie asked to no one in particular.

Eddie muttered to the group while looking at the top of the tunnel. "guys.. Are those-" The rest looked up to see many floating bodies. "The missing kids, floating" Stanley finished for him.

Mike and Richie picked up Ben, he grasped Beverlys shoe and pulled her down, repeating the same action with Rose.

Bill held on to Rose while Ben was holding Beverly. Ben held her face in his hands and shook her. "Bev? Beverly?" No response.

"Why isn't she waking up?! What is wrong with her?!" He cried out.

Bill held Rose's face between his hands, he stared into her white glazed eyes. "Come on Rose. I lost Gerogie I can't lose you too." He begged as he pushed stray hair from her face.

"Remember that time in 4th grade when I-I made you l-l-laugh so hard milk came out of your nose and we couldn't stop laughing so-so we had to stay in for recess because the teachers got so fed up with us." He laughed as a tear rolled down his cheek.

"Or last summer when at some point it poured so hard. B-but you and I danced a-a-around in the rain for hours. Then after a few days we were sick together. And-and at one point, you thanked me for going out to do that with you, I knew we would get sick but I wanted to make you happy."

"Or on Christmas last year when we were baking c-c-cupcakes but when we finished decorating them we had a huge cupcake fight. The dye from the f-frosting left a green stain on your face for like 2 days." Bill laughed through the pain at the memory.

"Or the first time I knew I had feelings for you. It was when you took me out on a picnic for my birthday this year. You made my f-f-favorite sandwich, you even got my favorite snacks and soda. Then we s-s-spent the time just talking, about life, where we want to travel, the future." Everyone got silent as Bill made this small speech.

"You and I both made a promise that we'll always be in each other's future. W-we promised if we both weren't married by 30 we would marry each other. I-I-I realized I want you as my future. You're my past, my present and my future. Y-you're everything I want Rose. Please dont go. I can't do this without you." He pressed his forehead against hers as more tears ran down his face.

Ben got a sudden idea and pressed his lips against Beverlys. "Woah what" Everyone mumbled out together.

It was silent until the Beverly gasped for air. Gaining color back to her face, and her sight came back. She panted and smiled at her realization, it was Ben who wrote her the poem ahe had received months ago. "January embers."

Ben smiled as a drop dripped from his eye, this time in happiness. "My heart burns there too."

Everyone turned to Bill and gestured to do the same to Rose. He cupped her cheeks and placed his lips on hers in a soft, tender kiss. As he pulled back, the color came back to her eyes as she gasped for a breath, just like Beverly did.

As she panted, she pulled Bill into a hug. He laced his fingers in her hair as she clutched the back of his shirt. "You know, that's not how I pictured our first kiss." She chuckled as they pulled apart. Rose went to hug Beverly tightly.

Bill was distracted at a small boy in a yellow raincoat in the corner. He made his way towards the kid but he just ran, causing Bill to follow it. No one noticed though due to Rose and Beverly hugging the rest of the group.

"Jesus fuck." Richie laughed as he went in for a group hug. Eddie almost went in until he walked away. Everyone's heads popped up. "Where's Bill?"

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