Chapter 7: All I Ever Wanted

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Liz POV:

All these things were running through my head at once. Am I really ready for a boyfriend? Is he just going to play with my heart? Negativity was flying all over but all these positives made the negatives seem to be nothing I couldn't handle.

I really like this guy and if I don't give it a chance I'm gonna regret i-

"Liz it's fine if you think it's too soon.." He said in this disappointed tone, and I got so scared.

"No, no. That's not it. I was just thinking if this is too good to be true.. But you're everything I want right now."

"So is that a yes? You'll give it a chance?"

"Yes babe, of course I will. But I want you to promise me something?"

"Anything." He said it in an "I'll give you the world if I could tone"

"I want you to promise me that no matter what, you will always treat me as your best friend first, and your lover second. I want you to tell me anything an everything because that's what is important to me. I don't want you to lie and hide things from me. Communication is huge."

"I promise baby girl. There's nothing in this world I'd hide from you."

He kissed me with such passion. It was like our first kiss but better.

Knowing he was now mine and only mine, made me happy. I have nothing to worry about.

Blake's POV:

I've never been so happy. She knows everything she needs to know about me. That's what I love.

I wrap my arms around her and pull her close. I whispered all these sweet nothing's to her because she deserves it. She deserves to be told how beautiful, and sweet and kind she is.

I don't want to ever let go of her.

Sooner or later we both fall asleep in each other arms.


I wake up to an empty bed. Where's my girl? I get out of bed and see if she's in the bathroom and nope nothing, but than I smell something so I walk downstairs.


"In the kitchen Blake"

I walk over to her as she's at the stove cooking breakfast. I grab her by her waist and turn her around to face me. I give her this kiss, and just kept kissing her. I lifted her up and put her on top of the counter. I left her a trail of kisses down her neck all the way to her chest.

It was getting heated, I didn't want to stop but I didn't want the food to burn. I was kinda hungry, so I did.

"What happen?" She sounded disappointed.

"Nothing I'm just really hungry and it would suck if the food burned.."

"Foods more important Mr?"

"Never baby, but a mans gotta eat!"

"Okay okay. I'll serve you. How many pancakes ya want?"


"Alright alright here you go"

"Thank you baby, this looks amazing"

"It better" she kissed me on my forehead and than sat beside me.

"So what do you have in store today?"

"Nothing I obviously don't work since you guys don't have practice as much cause you're not in the playoffs anymore.."

"Don't remind me babe. It sucks."

"Don't worry I'll keep you busy during the offseason."

"Oh I gotta tell you something.."
Liz POV:

I got nervous immediately. That never sounds good.

"Whats up?"

"Well we've been so caught up with us and stuff that I kinda forgot to tell you something?"

I don't even want to know what he's about to say at this point.

"Well you know about team USA right?"

"Yeah? Why?"

"Well I'm playing for them again this year and I leave for Spain in august.."

"Blake what the hell, that lasts like almost a month and a half!"

"I know I know, but who said you couldn't come with me?"

I was disappointed. How can he be so okay with leaving me for so long.

"Blake my jobs here, I can't just get up and leave."

"Yes you can, you don't need to work baby.. I have all that under control"

"I like to think of myself as independent and me living off your money says otherwise."

"I know but you can just work when we get back. Try and talk something out with your boss. It's the offseason, I'm sure they have other people that can work in the mean time.."

"I don't know Blake.. That's just a lot of traveling and you're barely going to be around me anyways."

"Any off time I get will be about you, I promise. We don't even practice every day or play every day. It'll be fun I promise. Travel with me. Make more memories with me."

He's making this sound so perfect. I can't say no. He's my boyfriend and I would be miserable if I wasn't around him for almost two months.

"Ugh fine, only because I don't want to be without you."

"Thank you baby, you're the best. You won't regret it."

He kissed me on the forehead.

I soon get a call. It's Alex. I haven't really spoken to her since me and blake started dating and work.

Alex: Remember me?

Me: Of course I do, how's everything?

Alex: Great, I miss you. We haven't spent time together in a really long time. I heard you're seeing blake..

Me: Omg yeah, he's an amazing guy.

Alex: Be careful. His ex Brynn is crazy obsessed.

Me: I've heard. She needs to get over it. He only cares about Ford not her.

Alex: Exactly. Well I gotta go, I just wanted to see how everything was going with you. Text me sometime so we can grab a bite.

Me: How about tomorrow?

Alex: Sure that sounds perfect.

Me: I'll text you when I'm ready and we can meet up somewhere.

Alex: Alrighty, bye.

"Who was that babe?"

"Oh it was Alex, we haven't spoken in a while so were gonna make plans to hangout tomorrow"

"Oh okay.."

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