3 - Someone's Got a Crush

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We leave Lil's house and we start walking.

"She's nice." Mitchell says.

"Yeah. She's real nice." Lucas says. I snicker under my breath and nudge Lucas with my arm.

"Someone's got a crush." I say.

"Oh shut up." Lucas says. "How am I supposed to like someone that I've just met?"

"Well your cheeks never lie..." Caleb says.

"What the hell are you talking about?" Lucas asks.

"Your cheeks are as red as my shirt." Mitchell says. (He's wearing a red shirt.) Lucas smiles a little.

"Okay fine you got me... She's a cool girl." Lucas says.

"Asher, you seemed really into her too." Caleb says.

"Nah... She's a really nice girl and all, but not really my type." I say. "I could see us becoming really good friends though."

"Sure. Whatever you say lad." Caleb says.

"You can see that she really likes 5SOS." Mitchell says.

"Yeah... It's definately influenced her style." Caleb says.

"Yeah... The lip piercing, the snakebite earings, the died hair, her shirt, everything." Mitchell says. "She's a pretty cool girl."

"Yeah.... Should we tell her the secret?" I ask.

"What secret???? Oh..... That secret.. Um....." Mitchell says.

"No... We can't." Caleb says.

"Okay." I say.

We make it to our destination fairly quickly.






The boys have left and I'm sitting on my couch. Wow. I've never had friends before, this is great. I wonder why they aren't like everyone else. I mean, they're nice to me. And it's not like they're ugly. I mean, all of them are good looking and there's something familiar about them. It's weird, it's really really weird.

I decide to go to bed early. I walk upstairs and change into my pajamas. I brush my hair and brush my teeth, then hop into bed. I set my alarm and grab my phone off of my night stand. I check Instagram. None of 5SOS has posted anything.... Darn. I look at Twitter. None of them have posted ANYTHING... Ugh. I put my phone down and fall asleep.

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