8 - Pretty Girl in the Hallway

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After school I went "home" to sleep, or at least that's what the boys think. From school, I walk to the tourbus. I open the door to the tourbus using my keys. I get into the bus and shut the door behind me and lock it.

So there's this girl. (Her name is Callie) I saw her in the hall today at school, she's really pretty. I found out from one of the lads at school that her name was Callie, as I asked more questions about her, the guy gave me her number. So now I'm just trying to work up enough guts to call her. I finally man up and take my phone out of my pocket. I take a deep breath and dial the numbers I wrote down on the palm of my hand. She picks up.

"Hello?" She says.

"Uhhhh..." I say. There's a long pause, and than I hang up. Wow, that was stupid. I call her again.

"H... Umm... Who is this?" She asks.

"No, no." I say. Shoot I actually spoke.

"Okay than what isit? And who is this person?" She asks.

"Well that's the funny part you see, I was walking in the hallway at school today and this really pretty girl walked by. I asked the guys in my next class about that girl and they gave me this number." I say. "Is this Callie?"

"Yes." she says, with a little giggle in her voice.

"Well it looks like I found the right phone number than." I say.

"Well who are you?" Callie asks.

"Call me......... Spiderman." I say.

"So this is a prank call." She says, sadly.

"No! No, nothing of that sort." I say.

"Well then, Spiderman, talk to you later?" She asks.

"Yeah, that'd be great." I say. She hangs up. Woah. I don't even remember anything I said in that conversation. Just then, Asher and Lucas barge in the door.

"Hey! What are you doing?" Asher asks.

"I got bored." I say.

"What did you do?" Lucas asks.

"Uhh... Prank called some people." I say, ugh I'm such a bad liar.

"Cool." They didn't seem to detect the lie, the just continued to walk towards the fridge.

"I want food." Asher says.


"Eh, I'll survive." Lucas says.

"Don't you dare" I say, leaping from the couch.

"Can I just have one slice?" Lucas asks, with a pouty face.

"Oh fine." I say.

"Maybe two?" Lucas says, quietly, with a smile as he takes the pizza box out of the fridge. He puts two slices on a plate and heats it up in the mike-ro-wave.

"I'm having my leftover food from Nandos." Asher says.

"Hey, if it's not my food, that's cool with me." I say. "Speaking of food, I'm getting a little hungry myself." I walk over to the kitchen counter.

I open the pizza box and take out two slices. I decide to eat it cold. I put the slices on a plate and walk over to the table where the other boys are sitting, and we eat.






I eat my leftover Nandos, and Lucas and Mitchell eat their pizza.

"This is nice you know, staying here, settling down for a bit." I say.

"Yeah. Lil's real nice, I think we should tell her the secret." Mitchell says.

"NO... I mean, no. Not yet." Lucas says.

"Why is it such a big deal?" Mitchell asks. "I mean, I think we can trust her."

"Yeah, but not yet." Lucas says.

"Why?" Mitchell asks.

"Okay fine. I'm scared that because she has been hanging around us lately, she might be.... dissapointed in who I really am and who I'm pretending to be." Lucas says.

"Woah. That was deep, man." I say, and I take another bite of food. And then I really thought about it, what if she get's really upset when we tell her and she tells the whole school. Hmmm....






We watch the movie very intently. Eventually I lay my arm around Sarah's shoulders, she smiles.

"You like the movie?" I whisper.

"Yeah! So much action." Sara whispers in reply. I smile.

The movie ends and the movie theater lights turn on. I get up and stretch. Sarah is still sitting in her seat, eating popcorn. I look at her and giggle.

"What?" She asks. "I kind of love popcorn." She continues to stuff her face.

"Alright let's go." I say. She stands up and we walk out of the theater. I throw the Icee cup away and Sarah throws the popcorn bag away.

"So.... How'd you like the movie?" I ask.

"It was cool." She says.

"Hey, what's your phone number?" I ask her.

She pulls a piece of paper out of her purse and writes a number down.

"Here." She says, handing me the paper. I put it in my pocket.

We walk out of the building and head to my car. Once we get to my car, I open the passenger door for Sarah. She gets in and I walk over to the drivers side of the car. I get in and start the car. We drive to Sarah's house.

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