14 - Heartbreak Girl

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I think that Sarah and Christina are about as confused as I am, but we just go with it. All three of us girls are sitting in lawn chairs and the boys sit in the seats in front of us.

They all smile, that's when I see that Lucas has a lip ring. Mitchell takes of his beanie and his glasses, which reveals crazy brown hair with some streaks of red in it. Asher's hair isn't slick back, he's wearing a ripped shirt and a bandana, and he takes his glasses off. Lucas takes his beanie off, which reveals great hair that defies the laws of gravity. Caleb takes his beanie off, and then everything clicks inside my head.

"OH MY GOSH." Christina says.

"This song is called 'Heartbreak Girl'" Caleb says.

The songs starts to play and I'm putting the pieces together....

Lucas, is really Luke Hemmings, Mitchell is Michael Clifford, Caleb is Calum Hood, and Asher is Ashton Irwin; WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON?

They start to play the song and I can't believe my eyes, they really are 5sos.

"I dedicate this song to you

The one who never sees the truth

That I can take away your hurt,

Heartbreak girl" Luke sings and I sing along to all of the lyrics. Luke sees me, and he smiles as he continues to sing.

"Hold you tight

Straight through the daylight

I'm right here,

When you gonna realize

That I'm your cure

Heartbreak girl."

When the song is over, I run up to Luke and hug him.

"What's this for?" Luke says with a smile, as he embraces me. I continue to hug him as I say,

"You mean so much to me. I've never really had a friend before and you guys have actually taken the time to get to know me. You guys have just been so nice to me and I don't deserve as great of friends as you guys are. You guys being 5sos doesn't change anything it just makes me feel that much more special." I say as tears run down my face. Luke is smiling and he's still hugging me.

"Awwww...." Michael says and all of a sudden a feel three pairs of arms wrap around Luke and I.

I'm actually really embarrassed, because I'm soaking Luke's shirt in tears. After a while, the boys let go and I let go of Luke, which then allows me to see two girls awkwardly sitting in lawn chairs, staring at me like I'm crazy.

"Hi.." I say, laughing. "Hi Christina and Sarah..."

"Hi." Sarah says.

"Are you okay?" Christina asks.

"Yeah." I say, wiping tears from my face, but still laughing. "I'm a little emotional sometimes."

Luke walks over to me and hugs me again.

"It's okay." He says, I can hear him fighting back tears too. (I wonder why)

"Are you okay?" I ask him.

"Yeah." He says. "Just some memories...."

"Okay." I say.

"Now.... You want to go back to your place an play some FIFA?" Luke asks.

"Sounds great." I say. Luke let's go of me and he puts his arm around me and we walk to my car. He kisses me on the head and we get into the car and drive to my place.

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