21 - Cold Stone

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"How about we go get some icecream or something?" I ask.

"Like... Cold Stone or something?" Ash asks.

"Yeah." I say.

"I'm down for it." Calum says. "Should we phone Luke and Lilian and ask them if they want to come?"

"Nah.... I mean, Lilian is a great girl but we haven't had bro time in a while..." I say.

"Bro time...?" Calum asks with his eyebrows raised.

"Yeah... Like, guy time" I say.

"What's wrong with you lately? You're always into girls. You talk about them every chance you get... what happened?" Ash asks.

"Well.... Since Callie happened, I've gained some respect for girls." I say.

"Mikey, I think something's wrong with you..." Calum says, jokingly. "We should call 911."

"Yeah, right." I say sarcastically.

"Okay, let's go get some icecream. Cal, you drive." Ash says.

"Ugh why me?" Calum asks.

"Just drive you loser." Ash says.






I've got Luke started on his Spiderman drawing.... He's doing pretty well. I am painting at a separate desk, so Luke doesn't see what I'm painting.

"How's it coming?" He asks me.

"Pretty well." I say. "But no peeks! It's a surprise!"

"Why???? I want to know what it is!!! The suspense is killing me!" Luke says.

I chuckle. "How's yours coming along?" I ask.

"Pretty nicely."

I look over my shoulder. It actually is looking pretty nice.

"Wow. You're doing much better than I expected." I say.

"What? You think I'm not 'artistically talented' like you?"

"Wow, those were some big words for you. And no, you just... don't come across as the most artistic person."

Luke laughs as he paints.

"Ah, crap." Luke says.

"What?" I ask walking over to him.

"I messed up." He says. I look at his canvas. There's just a small smudge.

"Here, let me help you." I say, taking a brush and lightly brushing away his mistakes.

"Thanks." Luke says.

"Yeah, no problem" I say.






We all get in my car and drive off to Cold Stone. I drive, ugh. We get there quickly because it's not too far away from the Gus Bus.

As soon as we get out of the car, we're approached by some fans.

"Oh my goodness it's Ashton Irwin!" A fan says.

"Aye." Ashton says with a smile.

Another fan says,

"Oh my goodness.... Calum your biceps are even bigger in person."

"Thanks?" I say with a chuckle.

"Can we take a selfie with you guys?" The third one asks.

"Sure!" Michael says.

They all pull out their phones and take turns taking selfies with us.

After thats over with, we walk into Cold Stone.

We get in line to order our icecream.

"I'll get a-" Michael says but gets cut off by the icecream girl.

"Are you.... Michael Clifford, Ashton Irwin, and Calum Hood????" She asks.

"No." I say with a smile.

"YES YOU ARE." The girl says.

"Nope!" I say.

"Where's Luke?" The girl asks.

"We're not five seconds of summer." I say.

"Yes we are." Michael says. "Can I order my icecream now?"


"And we love you too." Ash says.

"Can I take a selfie with you guys?" The girl asks.

"Of course you can." Ash says.

She pulls out her phone and we take a group selfie. Then we order.

"I'll have Mint Chip icecream." Michael says. "In the largest size you have please. Thanks."

"Of course Michael." I say with a chuckle.

"Hey! I can get fat every once in a while. Lay off man." Michael says jokingly.

"Um.. I'll have banana flavored icecream please. The medium size would be great. Thanks." Ashton says.

"I'll have Chocolate icecream with some cookie dough. The medium sized cup." I say. "Thank you so much."

"Okee dokey! I still can't believe that I'm talking to you guys....." The girl says.

"We're just regular people." Ashton says.

"No you're not. You're the one and only Five Seconds of Summer! Well, three-fourths of it. Speaking of which, where's Luke?" The girl asks.

"He's on a date." Michael says.

"Ooh Luke has a girlfriend?" The girl asks.

"Yeah." I say.

"Interesting." The girl says. "Well, it was amazing talking with you guys. Enjoy your icecream." She hands us our icecreams.

"Thanks, love." Ash says.

"I love you guys so much." The girl says.

"We love you more." Michael says, with a smile. The girl blushes.

We walk away and sit down at a table.

"She's sweet." Michael says.

"Yeah, she's a nice girl." I say.

"Yeah." Ash says. We all take a bite of our icecream.

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