Chapter 49 - The Howling Commandos

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The Howling Commandos, that's what their team was known as. It consisted of seven members; herself, Steve, Bucky, and four other men which used to be on Bucky's old team. He said that they could trust them- the guy hand picked them on his own. 

The first few missions were complicated. Getting to know one another and their skill set was the hardest part. For a good while, the other men had a hard time respecting Finley even though herself and Steve were the ones that saved them from such an impending doom. After a few close calls however, they were warming up to her quickly. 

Just getting back from an assignment, Finley- being the only woman, entered her own private quarters. Immediately she had her burnt jacket off and resting over the back of the chair. Dinner was scheduled for sundown, and it was a private party for none other than the Howling Commandos. However, Howard, Peggy, and Maria were welcomed thanks to herself and Steve. 

Maria had been doing a tremendous job with Howard over the past few weeks. She went with him, their relationship being more serious. Everyday he thanked her for introducing her to him. It was the best thing that had happened to him in a while. 

They were good together. Maria kept him in line, attitude under lock and key; and Howard did everything he could to break her out of her stubborn shell. Both were intelligent in their education beyond belief. It all seemed to work out in the end, everyone was happy. 

Everyone that was, but her. 

Turning on the hot water to her shower, Finley left the door open and leaned against the vanity. 

The steam immediately began pouring around her, but that didn't help the deepening pain within her. Howard had done everything he could; but with four pill bottles on the counter before her, she had totally lost hope. Finley had been tracking her conditions. Everyday her skin seemed to get paler and paler, her face more long and drug out. Just in the last week, she had lost eight pounds. The medication was no longer helping; and as each second passed, her muscles felt weaker than they ever did before. 

Taking a long breath, Finley closed her eyes and let the sound of the water take her away. The warm grasp of the steam pulled her from reality as well. 

She was dying, and only she knew it. Howard believed there was still something he could do, he was an optomist. Finley however, was a realist. 

Looking into the mirror, she seemed to get lost in herself. The facial bones made a cutting edge to her jawline, something she didn't have before. It wasn't just her face though, her hair- it had turned more grey than anything. Finley wasn't Finley anymore, but all the gear, vests, weapons and face paint did a good job at covering it. 

There was no stopping what was happening to her. The process was slow, painful, and she was experiencing every second of it alone- or so she thought. 

"Finley, are you-" Bucky's voice snapped her out of her trance. She hadn't even heard him come in, and as soon as his eyes were on her fragile frame, his words stopped immediately. She didn't know what to say, what to do. For the longest time she was able to hide it from him, but not now. Quickly, his eyes averted to the pill bottles on the counter. "What are those?" 

Her mind flew a million miles a minute. Looking at him though, nothing came to mind. Bucky was beautiful, innocent, pure in his actions. The way his deep green eyes observed her, it broke her from the outside in. She couldn't lie to him, not with something as big as this. Finley didn't know how much time she had left. 

It was time that he knew, at least him. 

Closing her eyes and taking a breath, Finley breathed in the warm air. "Close the door." 

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