Chapter 5: Love You More

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Chapter 5: Love You More

"Lena wake up," Caitlin said to me.
I opened my eyes and squinted at the morning sun.
"Did we drive all night?" I asked.
"Yeah, Lena we got on a plane last night. Don't you remember," she asked.
"Umm no, where are we?" I asked her.
"Australia," she smiled.
"Niall's here," I smiled.
"Yeah, you might be able to go on tour, but I have to come to," she winked.
"Oh but of course my dear," I laughed.
She looked down and started crying.
"Cait, why are you crying, stop," I told her.
"Lena we promised to be there for each other always, but I wasn't there for you. Not even on your wedding day!" She sobbed.
"Cait, I know you probably wanted to be there for me, but trust me I thought about you at my wedding I wanted to there too, so bad. I just thought about how you were dead, and you were watching over me," I told her honestly.
"I love you Lena, I don't know where I would be without you," she said.
I laughed and hugged her again.
"Cait? When do I get to see my mum?" I asked.
"Mum? Are you British now?" She laughed.
"I've lived in Britain since I was 5, I'm pretty sure I picked up on the accent," I told her.
"Oh right," she said in the most American way possible.
I laughed and sighed.
"You get to see her soon Lena I promise," she said.
"Okay, when can I call Niall?" I asked.
She handed me her phone and nodded. I dialed the familiar number and pressed call.

Niall- Hello?

Lena- Niall?

Niall- LENA! Where have you been, I've been so worried about you!

Lena- I'm sorry, I've been doing a bit of traveling.


Lena- I went to South America with an old friend. Now, I'm kinda in Australia already.

Niall- WHAT! Where are you? Can I see you?

Lena- Yeah yeah, we are actually on our way to the stadium now.

Caitlin gave me a look. She shook her head. I have her the puppy dog eyes and she told the driver the address.


Lena- I can't wait to see you either my love.

Niall- Well I better go, Liam is yelling at me.

Lena- Okay! Make sure everyone knows I'm okay, especially Luke!

Niall- Not even your dad huh? I'm kidding. Love you honey, see you soon.

He hung up. So did I.

"You know you really are in love," Cait laughed.
"Oh really?" I asked sarcastically.
"Yes really and I think it's so cute," she smiled.


We arrived at the stadium after 30 minutes of driving. I got out and ran to the door guarded by security.
"Umm hi, I'm Lena Horan, Niall Horan's wife." I told them.
They both laughed.
"We've heard that one before," the one man said.
"She really is though," Caitlin said.
"Yeah I really am, I just talked to him on the phone." I told them.
"Yeah yeah little girl, we have heard everything before, just move on and go join the rest of your "future husbands" fans over there." He laughed.
I looked at him wide-eyed.
"YOU ARE THE RUDEST PERSON ON EARTH! Those girls deserve respect, they are the reason you have a job." I told him.
"I doubt that love," he smirked.
"They are the reason One Direction exist, if 1D didn't exist you would be at home eating Bon-Bons on your couch!" I yelled.
He looked at me like I was crazy, which I was.
"Wow what did all this traveling do to your head?" I heard someone say behind me.
I turned around and saw Ashton. I ran up to him and hugged him.
"Hey boys," he said to the guards.
"You know this girl?" They asked.
He looked at them like they were crazy, which again they were.
"This is Lena Horan, wife of Niall Horan?" he asked.
"Oh of course, our apologies Mrs. Horan," he said.
I nodded and walked right past them with Caitlin right next to me. Ashton lead us to the stage which the boys were practicing on. They were in the middle of sound check so I decided to run out to Niall.
"NIALL!" I screamed.
He stopped and looked at me. When he saw me a huge smile spread across his face. He ran to me and picked me up spinning me, he then kissed me and put me down.
"I missed you so much," he told me.
"Love it's only been a week," I laughed.
"A week too long for me without you," he winked.
I smiled.
"I love you," I told him.
"I love you more," he smiled.

(A/N: Short Bc I wanted to update for y'all! I finish school on Monday!! That means SUMMER!! But also MORE UPDATES!!!!! Love you all so much!)

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