Episode 1

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     My name a Kimberly Renee Harris. I'm 31 years old and I have a 4-month-old child named Olivia. She's the sweetest thing in the world and had the cutest smile just like her dad Nick. Her dad was a very good boyfriend even though he cheated on me he wasn't bad. We've been broken up for a little over a year now. I'm really sad I just wish he knew his child and could spend time with her. Not having him here is kind of sad I mean who wouldn't be sad after being in a relationship for a year and a half then have to end it because they were being cheated on. 

    I hear a loud cry coming from my daughter's rooms.

"Mommy coming baby" I locked my phone. I stood up and started walking throws her room. He room had Lime green and pink with flowers on the wall. I walked to her crib and picked up my crying child holding her to my close to my heart. 

    I held her and walked downstairs to the kitchen to make her a bottle. I made a 6 oz bottle for my fat little, mixed child. Yes, my child is mixed. I am African American and Nick is white. Olivia looks more like Nick then me but has more of my skin complexion.

   I sat down on the couch and feed Olivia until she was done. I burped her and sat her on my lap since she was still awake. I started playing with her to make her smile and laugh. 

"Who is the prettiest little girl in the world," I said watching smile and giggle. 

    She soon drifted off the sleep so went upstairs and laid her down in her crib. I walked down the hall to grab my phone before I walked back downstairs to watch TV. 

    It was now 3 in the afternoon and I had to go get something to eat tonight. I turned off the tv and went to check on Olivia. She was still fast asleep so I took my shower and got dressed before I had to wake her up and get her ready. 

   I put my favorite outfit on. A pair of black leggings, a light grey shirt with black letters on it saying 'what goes around comes around' and a green plaid shirt tied around my waist with my white high top converses. I sat down at my makeup desk to do my make up. I didn't feel like doing a full face so I did my eyeshadow and lipstick. I finished up getting my things together to leave and took them downstairs.

    I went to Olivia's room to put her bottles, milk and extra clothes in her baby bag. After I finished, I woke her up to get her dressed. I put her on a pair of baby black leggings and a grey shirt. I normally don't dress her like me because she's her own person but today I just felt like it would be cute. I put her jean jacket on her because it was kind of cold outside and I didn't want her to get sick. I sat her in her pink and black car seat. Grabbing her baby bag and car seat I walked downstairs to the front door. I sat her down on the floor so I could grab my jacket and keys. I opened the front door and locked it behind me. I put Olivia and her bag in the back set and walked to the driver's side of the car. I got in and started the car. 

    We drove for about 10 minutes to Walmart. I needed to get the ingredients to make my favorite meal, Tacos and some new foundation. Once we arrived I got Olivia out of the car and set her car seat in the cart. As we walked into the store I headed to the food part to get what i needed to cook dinner. After 20 minutes of looking for and getting the stuff I need plus way more stuff that i didn't I finally made it to the make-up section to get my foundation. I looked where it normally was and I couldn't  find it so I pushed to cart around the corner look on that side for it. It was on the bottom shelf so I bent down to look through the shades. I heard someone come up behind me but I thought it was just someone looking for makeup too. 

   "She's so cute" I hear a male's voice behind me.

I stood up to thank the person. When I and looked at the person I realized who it was.

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