Episode 8

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The room was silent. Jess has stood up at this point, Nick was in shock, so was I and Schmidt were just sitting there.

"Kim, what are you saying?" Nick asked shaking his head.

"Nick this is your daughter, Olivia Nicole Miller. She's 4 months old" I confessed

Nick was still in shock. He walked closer with his hands out to hold Olivia. I handed her over to her dad for the first time. She was looking up at him with a smile on her face. Nick's eyes began to water as a smile grew on his face.

"I can't believe I have a daughter. Why didn't you tell me about her, Kim" He looked up at me.

"I was going to you the day I found you cheating on me with Jess," I said pointed to Jess.

Nick's face fall and Jess looked guilty.

"Kimberly, you should have never kept this from me. Even if I was with Jess, I will take care of my daughter" Nick said back.

He was right I should have told him, but I couldn't bring myself to talk to him. He hurt me so bad. A year and a half long relationship down the drain.

"If you couldn't be there for me how do I supposed to believe you're gonna be there for Olivia?" I asked developing an attitude.

"It wasn't like that, Kim"

"Then how was it, Nick!" I came in to tell you I'm pregnant with your child and what do I find? My boyfriend in his room kissing him roommate! I knew when Jess moved in this would happen!" I yelled.

Schmidt pulled me back because I was 2 inches away from Nick yelling in his face.

"Please hand me, Olivia, because if she starts swinging it isn't gonna end well," Schmidt said reaching for my daughter.

Nick nodding knowing that when I get mad I can't control myself and handed Olivia over to Schmidt.

"I'm sorry, Kim, that you didn't make me happy! The last few weeks of our relationship you didn't even let me touch you." Nick yelled.

"she was pregnant, dumbass. I don't know about you but if I found out I had a person growing inside me I wouldn't want to have sex either" Jess chimed in.

I was shocked that she was defending me. Jess never really showed any signs of liking me. Every time I came over she made and excuss to leave.

Nick shot his head over to Jess in disbelief. He noticed Jess didn't like me, too.

"You have a child with her, Nick. I don't care what you have to do but fix this. I have nothing to with you and you're and that beautiful little girl of yours. I've messed up so much already so I'm going to my room. Schmidt, you should do the same and give them time to figure this out." Jess stated then walked off to her room.

"I'll be in my room if you need me. I'll keep Olivia while you to talk" Schmidt said then gave me a kiss on my cheek before walking off to his room.

I and Nick made our way over to the sofa. We sat in silence for a while until I finally broke the silence.

"So what do you think about Olivia?"  I asked

"She beautiful and she looks a lot like me," He said smiling

"So do you want to be in her life," I asked

"Of course, I do. I could have been there from the beginning if you would have let me." He said obviously being a dick.

"Maybe if you didn't cheat on me you could have been," I said back sassy

"Maybe if you provided what I needed like Jess did I wouldn't have cheated," He said back

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