Episode 13

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It was the day after and I had to be into work in an hour and Olivia wasn't having it. Kim had already left for work. Olivia wouldn't let me get her dressed for anything. She wouldn't stop crying. The only thing I could think to do was call Kim. I found my phone under a huge pile of baby clothes that Olivia decided she wasn't wearing today.

The phone rung a few times before I heard my girlfriends' sweet voice on the other side.

"Ms. Harris needs to answer this keep doing your work I'll be right back. Hello" She said through the phone.

"Kim, Olivia won't stop crying. I've tried everything. I can't even get her dressed I have to be at work in 45 minutes. I don't know what to do." I said sitting on the floor holding the crying child.

"She sounds uncomfortable have you fed and changed her?" She asked


"Ok then take a warm washcloth and wipe her face and back with it. Sometimes she has an ich and can't scratch it that might be it. Call me back if it's not. I have to go. Bye Love you,"

She hung up. I laid my phone in Olivia's Crib and walked to the bathroom to get a washloth and wipe her back and face. Then she stopped crying.

"Was that it babygirl?" I asked her knowing she couldn't talk but I was just happy she had stopped crying.

I took her back to her room to get her dressed for today. I Got her dressed in a dark blue dress with a tutu bottom. I packed her bag and put her in her car seat so we can get ready to leave. I grabbed my phone, wallet, Olivia's baby bag, and Olivia and walked downstairs to get in the car.

It was a 15 drive from Kim's place to the office. When we arrived, Olivia was fast asleep. I grabbed her stuff and her out of her car seat so I wouldn't have to carry the car seat in. With my laptop bag and a baby bag, I walked into the tall office building. As I walked in I heard aww's from my co-workers. I ignored them and walked into the elevator and pressed the top floor button. I walked into the conference room to set up for the presentation. I sat my laptop bag down on the table and got a blanket out of Olivia's bag. There was a sofa in the back of the room, where I spread the blanket out on and laid Oliva on her stomach. I smiled at the sleeping child then walked back to the front of the room to start setting up. I plugged my laptop into the flatscreen tv to display my spread on the tv. The presentation started in 20 minutes and so I had a few minutes before people started coming in.

I was scrolling throgh my phone waiting for the time to past. about 10 mintues later my boss came in

"Schmidt, your job rides on the presanation," She stated as soon as she stepped in the room also without looking up from her phone.

Which was weird because I only have one big presantion a year and mine was last month.

"I just had my big presantion and I thought I nailed it.What's going on?" I asked.

"HQ said that that article was dropped so this is your big shot. Don't blow it" She went and sat in the chiar at the end of the table. Glad she didn't notice Olivia.

I completely re thought my Presentation and became more and more nervous as it got closer to the time I had to present. The confress room was getting filled as I thought to myself with co worker, people from diffrent companys and the CEO of the mazagine compamy. My heart stop as it was time to present.

I took a deep breathe and started.

"Hey, My name is Schimdt. Today I will presenting you with a spread on the one holiday celebrated just to shower the person you love with ,well, love. As you can see here. I have seprated the page into three parts. This part is about everything you can do to show someone how much you love them. This part shows of course everything you can buy for the person you love. And the last part is a personal..." Just when I stop being nerveous, I heard a small cry.

I looked to the back of the room to see Olivia was waking up. I had to get her before she fall. I kept talking as I walked to the back of the room to get her.

"The last part is a personal story about how I would do anything for someone I love. In the last month, I have to fall in love with this amazing girl." I picked Olivia up from the sofa and grabbed a pre-made bottle out of her bag to feed her. I took the top of the bottle and walked back up to the front of the room. I held Olivia in my arms as I fed her. "and we have overcome some crazy things. Like her daughters farther and trust issues and that's been in just two weeks but we are working things out and I really love her. I was thinking readers who read about love would get them to go after who they love and when readers sat out to do things they think gifts and that's where the profit comes in. Also making a special appearance in the lovely Olivia. She is my girlfriend's daughter and she is the sweetest thing in the world and basically the reason I fall in love with her mom. But that's all for the presentation. Feel free to ask any questions"

The CEO of the company stood up clapping. The rest of the room followed.

"Schmidt, that presentation was amazing. The way you took care of Olivia was amazing. Schmidt, I normally don't do this but I'm offering you a job in Kids advertisement. The job pays 2 times more than this one. And if you agree we will pay 1 years rent for whatever place you choose Please, Schmidt, we need you in New York."

"Wow! That is an amazing offer. I would love to but my girlfriend and Olivia. Her babysitter recently moved back home and I have been looking after Olivia for her. Plus I don't want to leave either one of them" I explained.

I really wanted to take the offer but I knew I couldn't leave Kim and Olivia. 

"I tell you what you let me know by the end of this week what you decide" He handed me his card and walked out of the room.

The rest of the people followed him leaving me standing there with Olivia happy as ever. 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 19, 2018 ⏰

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