Episode 12

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Kim has been blowing up my phone since I left earlier. I wanted to be with Kim but not if it means I cause her stress. Kim has enough stress in her life and I don't want to be the leading cause of it. When I gotta home everyone was out so I had some peace and quiet to work on my Article. I could finish even earlier now. I had to take a break after sitting at my work desk for 40 minutes. 

I got up from my desk and stretched. My arms and legs were hurting so I walked into the kitchen hoping to find something to eat. When I got home everything from last night was cleaned up and the rest of the food was gone. I looked in the fridge hoping to find at least an apple. There was nothing. I guess without me they couldn't go shopping. I guess I'll just order Chinese. I called the local Chinese place Bamboo Panda and ordered some Shrimp lo main and 2 egg rolls. I walked back to my room where I found my phone ringing. I looked at the caller ID

'Beautiful' was displayed on the screen. Kim was calling again. I was upset about what she said. I didn't mean to make things crazy with her and Nick. It was just so hard not wanting her to come over. I want to cuddle her in my bed. I want to bring her here after a date. I don't mind being at her house I just want to spend time here too. Spending time with Kim my all-time favorite thing to do but now I just don't know. I really wanted to be with her but I also didn't want to make her life harder than it already was. My phone went off again. I looked at it with no dought it was Kim. 

'Coach' was displayed on the screen this time. I haven't heard from Coach since he moved out a few months ago. I answered the phone hearing nothing on the other end. 

"Hello," I said into the phone waiting to hear my friends voice on the other end. 

"Schmidt, Yo, Kim is here." I hear whisper into the phone. 

"Wait, what? She just called me. Why is she there and why are you whispering" I had a million thoughts running through my head. 

"She doesn't know I'm calling you. She just showed up out of nowhere. Kim told me what happened. She feels terrible. I also didn't know you were dating Nick's Baby mama. But Schmidt this girl really likes you and you should let this ruin things. You might never find you another girl like her. I have to go Schmid but Kim is here and she is fin. At least come to talk to her." Couch explained

"I'll be there soon," I said hanging up the phone.

Couch was right. Kim really did like me and I shouldn't let a small argument get in the way. I wanted to run to her right now but I ordered Chinese food and I had to wait for it to come. I continued to work on my article as I became more and more restless. It's been 10 minutes since I talked to Couch. 

I couldn't take it anymore. I grabbed my phone and wallet and saved my article. I walked out of my room and headed towards the front door when it flew open. Nick came stumbling in. I could tell by his messed up hair and the way he was walking he had been drinking.

"Nick, are you drunk? It's not even noon yet." I placed my hand on my forehead in disappointment and anger. I could leave until I knew Nick was ok to be alone.

"Oooh, w-why do you ca-care? You have my ex-girl-girlfriend. You have my, my child. You ha-have everything I I want." Nick slurred clearly angry

"You act this is my fault. You left Kim for Jess. Not only did you leave you cheated on her for months. You blame me for you being a bad boyfriend. I never thought you would be this low, Nick. We have been friends since college and I've also been there for you but the second I actually think I'm in love you have to make me feel like the bad guy. Ok, Nick, I get it she's your ex-girlfriend plus the mother of your child but you moved on and so did she just so happened the moved on to me." I was getting angry but I had to keep calm because I knew Nick wasn't in the best condition. 

"Fuck you, M-man" Nick spat out smacking me causing my head to whip to the side. 

"I tried to be nice," I said before punching Nick in the stomach. He hunched over in pain. I looked down at him as I felt our friendship go out the window. He sat back up looking me in the eyes before punching me in the lip and tackling me to the ground. Nick was on top punching me over and over in the face. I finally got him to stop by punching him one good time in the eye. Nick fall back off of me causing me to get a hold of him. I would have never fought Nick he was my best friend but after today I don't even know what a friend is. I punched him in the face before punching him repeatedly in the stomach. I heard the front door come open but I didn't stop. I was pulled off by Windson. Nick got up and ran towards me but Jess pulled him back. Nick had a busted lip and bloody nose. I could feel my eye was gonna be bruised, my lip was busted and I'm pretty sure I need to go to the doctor about my hand. 

"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU TWO DOING!" Windson yelled at us as he held me back. I pulled away from his grip. 

"Ask, Nick he apparently has a lot to say. I have to go check on my girlfriend. Oh and don't worry Nick, Ill tell Olivia hi for you." Nick tried running towards me but Jess and Windson stopped him I grabbed my things the had fallen out of my pocket while I was fighting and walked out the door.

I had finally got to Coaches house. Kim's car was still parked there. I got out and walked to the front door and started knocking. Coach came to the door.

"Woah, what happened to you?" Couch asked looking at my bruises. 

"Nick is what happened. I'll explain later. Where is Kim?" I said. 

He pointed to the living room. Coach stepped out of the way allowing me to get past. I speeded walked into the kitchen finding Kim holding Olivia at the table. She turned her head facing me as she heard me come in. 

"Schmidt? What are you doing here?" She stood up walking towards me. "Oh, my gosh, what happened to you." She turned my head to the side looking at my bruised eye. 

"I'm fine. That's not why I came here, Kim. I want to tell you I'm sorry about everything. I pressured you into coming to my house and then all of this happened. All this is my fault, Kim."

She walked closer to me, "I love you, Schmidt." 

My heart fluttered with joy. This was the first time Kim told me she loved me.  I Picked her up and spun her around. 

"I love you, too, Kim." 

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