Episode 11

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Nick was texting Schmidt now trying to talk to me. Yes, Nick still has my number and was trying to call me but I haven't been answering. I didn't want to talk to him about it. I know Schmidt is my boyfriend and Nick's best friend but I and his child isn't Schmidt's problem. He shouldn't be texting him to get in touch with me.

Nick finally answered causing me to roll my eyes.

'Hello' Nick's voice came through the phone.

'First of all, stop texting my boyfriend. He has nothing to do with this. I know why you're calling I've been getting your messages. Nick I'm not letting you see her. You are unreliable and I can't trust you and I don't want Olivia growing up being as nieve as I was.'

'I messed up, Kim. I'm sorry but I can't take it back but I want to be in Olivia's life. You have to let me see her. You can't do this to me.'

'You've hurt me so much and you won't hurt my child. Bye Nick' I hung up the phone and threw it on the bed. Schmidt was standing there holding Olivia staring at me. 

Schmidt walked over to my side of the bed and put his arm around me while holding Olivia in the other arm.

"It's going to be ok, Baby," Schmidt said and kissed my cheek.

I was still upset but I still smile through the pain. Schmidt makes me feel better even when I don't want to. I remember when Nick was the reason I smiled now he is the reason I might end up in jail.

"I know it will. He is just so, Ugh" I let out a scream causing Olivia to start crying.

I got her from Schmidt and walked her around the room trying to soothe her. I finally got her to calm down after a minute or 2.

"Kim, you shouldn't let him make you feel like this. He's not worth it" Schmidt said.

I nodded and  continued to bounce Olivia.

"I have to go before it gets too late.Walk me out?" Schmidt asked.

"Oh yeah." I held Olivia in my arms as I walked Schmidt down stairs. We made it to the living-room before I stopped Schmidt from walking out the door. I was walking in front of him. I stopped and turned around facing him.

"Schmidt. I know you and I know your temper. Please don't start anything with Nick. It's not worth it." I said

Schmidt was a outgoing funny person But when he gets mad he's good at hiding it until he gets to the person he's mad at.

"Kim I'm not gonna lie to you." Schmidt started

"Schmidt, what are you saying" I asked backing up from him.

"I want to help you." He walked closer

"I can help myself I've been doing it for a year." I said getting angry

"But you don't have to do it by yourself I'm here now." He said getting angry too.

"And see what you being here caused" I said in a sassy tone.

Schmidt's face fall. I missed up. None of this is Schmidt's fault it's all mine.

"So that's how you feel,Kim?"

"No. No.No,Schmidt. That's not how I feel" I touched his arm but he pulled it back.

"Don't touch me. I'm leaving." Schmidt grabbed his keys from by the door and walked out the door.

I couldn't do anything but look at the door my boyfriend just walked out of. I held Olivia in my arms. She was just looking up at me.

"Mommy messed up, Sweetheart. I'm gonna fix it though." I said the her.

It's been a hour since Schmidt left. I've called in 20 times and texted him like 50. I haven't gotten an answer yet. I know he's mad at me but I at least want to talk to him. I know what I have to do.

Olivia was asleep but I had no choice I had to bring her. I put her on a tutu that matched her tee shirt. I placed her cubby body in her car seat as I packed her bag. I grabbed her and her bag and walked to my room to get my phone and wallet. We walked door stairs to the door where I grabbed  my keys. I walked over to my red Jeep Wrangler Ultimate and put Olivia in the back. I opened the door to the drivers seat. I got in and clicked my seat belt in. I sat and looked at the steering wheel for a few seconds before I put the key in the ignition. I took a deep breath and pulled out of the driveway.

I drove to the last place I'd thought I'd go. I pulled into the long driveway with the big brick house with Black shutters. I took out the key. I stared at the house for a minute or 2 before opening the door to get out. I shut the door behind me and went to get Olivia. I grabbed her bag and the peacefully sleeping baby. I started walking up to the door, basically holding my breath. I sat Olivia's car seat with her in it beside me on the porch as I knocked on the Hardwood door. I hear a voice from inside call out an 'I'm coming.'

I heard the knob to the front door juggle. My heart stopped.

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