Episode 5

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(Picture of Kim above)

It was Saturday morning I had already feed Olivia and she was back asleep. I and Schmidt were back to normal like nothing ever happened. Today was the day Schmidt, Olivia and me were spending the day together. We were going to just have dinner but Schmidt wanted to spend the day together. We are going out for breakfast, to a movie, to the park and then back to his place a because he is gonna cook me Dinner. I know what you're thinking why would I go over to the house of my cheating Ex-Boyfriend? The only reason I'm going was because Schmidt said that everyone would be out of the house tonight. I would never agree to it if I didn't trust Schmidt.

It was only around 6:30 but having a child means being on a schedule so no sleeping in on Saturdays. I pulled out my phone even though I would drift off again. You know when you wake up early but you're still tired so you just wait it back out. After scrolling down my timeline I checked my Messages.

6:00-From Schmidt😊
Waking up this early everyday has my sleep schedule off. The sun is barely up and I'm up. This isn't the Schmidt I know. 😂LoL

I read the message and laughed.

6:35-To Schmidt 😊
I understand completely. I can't wait to spend time with you later. I will be the first time we actually hang out without me having to rush out the door.

6:36-From Schmidt 😊
I can't wait to see you either. I miss Olivia already 😔

6:37-To Schmidt 😊
Hey. If you feel up to it you can come over here at maybe 7 and we can have breakfast here. I really want to cook breakfast and it could save money.

My heart sunk as I sent that message. I don't know why because I had breakfast with Schmidt Thursday morning. Then again I didn't feel this feelings in my stomach Thursday morning.

6:38- From Schmidt 😊
Really?! I would love to. I'll be there by 7:30 I can't make it by 7 it takes more the 20 minuets to look this good😂

6:39-To Schmidt 😊
Yeah right. See you soon 😘

Yes I send Schmidt a kissy face. Was it a good idea? Probably not but I'm taking my daughter to the house of her
father who doesn't know she is alive so obviously I don't have good judgment.

Realizing I had just invited Schmidt over I had to look presentable. I didn't want to take a shower yet because after I cook I feel dirty again. So I just but my hair up, put on a pair of black shorts and a white shirt and then took my retainer out. I will never stop fighting my war on crooked teeth.

It was only 7 so I laid back down to wait on Schmidt to get there. I closed my eyes and ended up drifting off to sleep.

It was 7 and of course I was trying to leave while getting asked a billion questions by the one and only Nick Miller.

"Is this the same girl you've been seeing every morning? Did you have sex with her yet?" Nick asked

"DUDE! No I haven't and yes it's the same girl and if I don't leave so it might be the last time I see her. Now I have to go." I grabbed my keys and ran towards the door but only for it to be blocked by Winston.

"Are you snicking out again to see this mystery girl?"

"Winston, Move I really need to get there." I pushed him out of the way and ran down the stairs and to my car.

After I pulled out of the parking garage I stopped by the store and picked up something special for Kim and Livi
(Olivia) then I drove straight to Kim's house.

I pulled in her driveway and got out what I got for them. I grabbed my keys and walked to the front door. After knocking a few times with no answer I used the key Kim made me to get in. I checked on Livi first and left the bear I got her by her crib. Once I finished I walked to Kim's room to find her sleeping in her bed. I smiled at how cute she is and walked beside her bed to wake her up.

I tapped her and said "Kim, wake up i'm here"

She rolled the other way and moaned.

"Lay down with me"

My heart jumped when she said that. I took of my jacket and shoes and laid down beside the beautiful girl. I laid on my back as she rolled over and put her head on my chest. I laid my hand on her back. It was amazing. Wasnt long before we both drifted back off to sleep.

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